Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help. Project 1: Interactive String Input
Dialog boxes for user input
Sample output
• Name your project NamingProjectXXX, where XXX is your initials.
• Name your Java source code file, where XXX is your initials.
• Submit ONLY your .java file using the assignment link in Blackboard.
• Possible points: 15
• DUE Sunday, 03/08, at 11:59pm
• Use dialog boxes to ask the user for 5 input values.
• Display a welcome message.
• Display 2 fictional names based on user input values.
• Display an end-of-application message.
CMIS130 – Spring 2020 Hileman
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• Use pseudocode and/or flowcharts to map out your logic before you start coding! This will not
be turned in for points, but it will help you gather your thoughts and will aide you in creating a
successful application.
• Declare variables for the following information using the String data type:
o first name
o last name
o favorite color
o birthstone
o birth month
• Use the showInputDialog() method from the JOptionPane class to get user input.
• Output should match above, including the formatting, and follow these rules:
o Display a welcome message that includes the user’s first and last name with appropriate
o Display a blank line.
o Display the user’s celebrity name by combining the user’s birth stone and last name.
o Display the user’s leprechaun name by combining the user’s favorite color and birth
o Display a blank line.
o Display an end-of-application message.
• Terminate the application.
• Include appropriate comments throughout the code, and include a comment header at the top
that contains your name, date, filename, and purpose.
• Test thoroughly.
• Produce output that matches sample output above.
CMIS130 – Spring 2020 Hileman
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General application logic
Declare variables
Get user input
Display output
End the application properly
In completing this project, you will use these elements from Java Chapter 1:
• Structure of a Java program
o You will code the statements that define a class (the public class header and the curly
brackets that mark the beginning and end of the class).
▪ Your class header will look exactly like what we had on our Java Ch 1 slides,
though you should give your class a name that better reflects what you are
doing in this project (better than MyFirstJavaProgram).
o You will code the statements that define your main method (the method header and
the curly brackets that mark the beginning and end of the method).
▪ Your main method header will look exactly like what we had on our Java Ch1
slides (i.e., it will be public, static, void, and have the String arg).
• End your Java statements (but not class and method headers) with a semi-colon.
• Use the System.out.println() pre-written method to send output to the user.
And you will use these elements from Java Chapter 2 (pp. 25-31):
• Import the JOptionPane class to use its showInputDialog() method to obtain interactive input
from the user.
• Concatenate elements on a print line.
• End a Java program properly (use the System.exit() statement).
• Include comments in your Java code:
o Use a block comment at the top to include your name, date, filename, and purpose.
o Use line comments throughout to show you have an understanding of what the code is
• You will need to declare five string variables to hold the five input values provided by the user.
(Be SURE to use a capital S in String when coding your variable declarations!) You can do it in
five separate statements if you like, or you can code it in one statement like the following:

Computer Science homework help

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