English homework help

English homework help. Comparison & Contrast Essay
Assignment & Instructions
I. Instructions & Requirements
A. Assignment:
Write a referential essay of at least 1,000 words in which you compare and contrast two subjects.
Choose from the “Approved Topics” list on page two of this assignment or submit a custom topic for
Professor Shanafelt’s approval. You must organize your essay by trait rather than subject. The overall
structure of your essay, its number of paragraphs, and the internal structure of each paragraph must
conform to the comparison and contrast essay template in this assignment. You may compare, contrast,
or compare and contrast your the subjects you have chosen.
B. How to Submit:
1. Submit PDF document via Blackboard assignment page.
2. No emailed papers will be accepted.
3. No other file types will be accepted.
C. Due Date:
8 March 2020 @ 11:55 pm
D. Length:
1. 1,000 words minimum (4-5 pages + Works Cited)
2. The “Works Cited” page, heading, and other paraphernalia are not included in word count.
E. Sources:
1. Two primary sources are required. No other source are permitted.
2. Use MLA 8 (2016) to document your two primary sources.
F. Documentation:
1. Document all quotations, paraphrases, details, and information taken from primary sources.
2. Cite each use of outside source material with a properly formatted MLA works-cited entry and an
appropriate MLA in-text citation.
3. For MLA Documentation information, reference the The Norton Sampler Appendix, MLA Handbook
(8th edition with 2016 update), or the Owl at Purdue website at the following link: https://
G. Document Type:
1. PDF – Save your essay as a PDF document.
2. No other document types will be accepted!!
H. Topic Choices:
1. Select a topic from the “Suggested Topics” list in this document.
2. Create an original essay topic of your own and submit it to Professor Shanafelt for approval.
a) Your proposal should be mature, complete, typed, and clearly worded.
b) Submit your topic for approval on or before 1 March 2020.
c) Submit your topic to Professor Shanafelt using your official ACC email account
d) Submit your topic to Professor Shanafelt at the following link: cshanafe@austincc.edu
I. Outline:
1. An essay outline is suggested but not required.
2. For outline structure, consult the essay outline included in this document.
3. For additional outline information, consult the Owl at Purdue at the following link: https://
J. Essay Format:
1. Format your essay in accordance with the MLA Style Manual (8th ed. 2016) guidelines, which can
also be found at the following link: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/
2. Include your essay’s word count after the last line of your conclusion.
3. The “Works Cited” page does not factor into the word count.
Compare & Contrast Essay 1 of 3 Professor Shanafelt – Eng 1301
K. Essay Structure:
1. The overall structure of your essay, its number of paragraphs, and the internal structure of each
paragraph must conform to the “Comparison & Contrast Essay – By Trait” in this assignment.
2. Thesis: The thesis statement of your essay should
a) Be one sentence
b) Be the last sentence in your introductory paragraph
c) Disclose the two subjects the essay will compare and the several overall categories of
comparison that will be analyzed.
3. Body Paragraphs: Each body paragraph should
a) Begin with a strong topic sentence that explicitly states what the paragraph will report in support
of your thesis statement
4. Quotations: ** Do not include quotations that run beyond two lines of text.
5. Works Cited Page: Include your MLA “Works Cited” as the separate and last page of the essay.
L. Grammar & Mechanics: Write in formal Standard American English.
1. Do not use personal pronouns.
(I, you, we, me, and us)
2. Do not use contractions.
3. Do not use colloquialisms or slang.
4. Write in third-person point of view only.
5. Use correct past, present, & future tense.
6. Use proper punctuation.
7. Do not write run-ons or fragments.
8. Consult you writing guide for more.
9. Proofread! Proofread! Proofread!
Approved Topics
1. Obama / Trump
Compare and contrast Barack Obama and Donald Trump based on ONE of he following attributes:
a. speaking style
b. political philosophy
c. biography
d. income / wealth
e. foreign policy
f. fiscal policy
g. stance on one important issue
2. Liberals / Conservatives
Compare and contrast the political philosophies of American liberals and conservatives regarding ONE
of the following issues:
a. gun control
b. taxes
c. foreign policy
d. same-sex marriage
e. war
f. the war on terror
g. stance on one important issue
3. Game of Thrones
Compare and contrast two characters or two major houses (families) in the HBO series Game of
Thrones. (May substitute Harry Potter, Star Trek, Star Wars, Walking Dead, etc.)
4. Villains, Monsters, Killers, Demons, Archangels, Vampires, Zombies, Mythical Creatures
Compare and contrast two of the above types of entities.(Hint: The have to both be the same type.)
5. ACC Campuses
Compare and contrast two ACC campuses.
6. People
Compare and contrast the styles, philosophies, or works of two people of the same type:
a. philosophers
b. writers
c. directors
d. actors
e. leaders
f. singers
g. professors / teachers
7. Things
Compare and contrast two things you have owned or would like to own. Make sure that the objects
you choose are “two of a kind” (i.e. two cars, two computers, two guitars, etc.).
8. Wild Card
Choose two subjects to compare and contrast an submit them to Professor Shanafelt for approval.
Compare & Contrast Essay 2 of 3 Professor Shanafelt – Eng 1301
Compare & Contrast Essay
By Trait
I. Introduction
A. Hook – Grab the reader’s attention with a catchy opening.
B. Introductory remarks. Reveal the central idea and/or a connection to our world.
C. Name the two subjects to be compared. Maybe provide brief background.
D. Thesis: Reference both subjects and state the several traits you will use in your comparison.
II. Trait 1
A. TS – (Topic Sentence) – Name the 1st trait and list/summarize the similarities or differences the
paragraph will cover.
B. 1st trait / 1st subject
1. EV – Evidence – Reference the 1st trait of subject 1 with a quotation, paraphrase, detail, or
2. AN – Analysis – Scholarly analysis or deeper insight into what the evidence you presented
reveals about the first trait of subject 1.
C. 1st trait / 2nd subject
1. EV – Evidence – Reference the first trait of subject 2 with a quotation, paraphrase, detail, or
2. AN – Analysis – Scholarly analysis or deeper insight into what the evidence you presented
reveals about the first trait of subject 2.
III. Trait 2
A. TS – (Topic Sentence) – Name the 2nd trait the similarities or differences to be covered.
B. 2nd trait / 1st subject
1. EV – Evidence – Reference the second trait of subject 1 with a quotation, paraphrase, detail,
or example
2. AN – Analysis – Scholarly analysis or deeper insight into what the evidence you presented
reveals about the second trait of subject 1.
C. 2nd trait / 2nd subject
1. EV – Evidence – Reference the second trait of subject 2 with a quotation, paraphrase, detail,
or example
2. AN – Analysis – Scholarly analysis or deeper insight into what the evidence you presented
reveals about the second trait of subject 2.
IV. Trait 3
A. TS – (Topic Sentence) – Name the 3rd trait the similarities or differences to be covered.
B. 3rd trait / 1st subject
1. EV – Evidence – Reference the third trait of subject 1 with a quotation, paraphrase, detail, or
2. AN – Analysis – Scholarly analysis or deeper insight into what the evidence you presented
reveals about the third trait of subject 1.
C. 3rd trait / 2nd subject
1. EV – Evidence – Reference the third trait of subject 2 with a quotation, paraphrase, detail, or
2. AN – Analysis – Scholarly analysis or deeper insight into what the evidence you presented
reveals about the third trait of subject 2.
V. Conclusion
a. Revisit the two subjects of the essay and the the several broad traits you use in your comparison.
b. Summarize the main differences and similarities.
c. Close with an interesting comment or a fresh take on the two subject; leave your reader with
something to contemplate.
**[Analyze three or more traits in body paragraphs like those above.]**

English homework help

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