Management homework help

Management homework help. Assessment 2
Due Date 10th March 2020 @ 11.55 pm

  1. Distinguish key concepts underpinning innovation and the issues associated with developing and sustaining innovation within organizations.
  2. Explain the role of entrepreneurship in the execution of creative and innovative strategies Skills


  1. Formulate recommendations for changing a current practice
  2. Design creative strategies for pursuing, exploiting and further developing new business

opportunities Attitudes

  1. Accept the role of change agents in effecting change in organizations.
  2. Advocate the need for innovation as a major component of opportunity development.

Assignment: Select a business or organization with which one or more of your team members have worked, been a member, or has significant knowledge.
Identify two new opportunities which the organization should pursue, and what innovative or creative changes will need to take place within this private organization in order to realize these opportunities. Consider and include the following in your analysis:

  1. Advocate the need for innovation as a major component of opportunity development
  2. Identify the issues associated with developing and sustaining innovation within the organization, and how those issues will be addressed.
  3. Determine the role entrepreneurship will play in the execution of creative and innovative strategies
  4. Formulate recommendations for changing a current practice, identify who will serve as the change agent, and how the change agent will advocate the need for innovation as a major component of opportunity development

Name of Business: Digicel Groups Ltd
Opportunity 1:  5g mobile Broadband
5G is the 5th generation mobile network. It is expected to elevate the mobile network to not only interconnect people, but also interconnect and control machines, objects, and devices. It will deliver new levels of performance and efficiency that will empower new user experiences and connect new industries. 5G will deliver multi-Gbps peak rates, ultra-low latency, massive capacity, and more uniform user experience.
Opportunity 2: Offer a standardized set of services to all geographic locations.
Current Practice

Management homework help

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