English homework help

Student Name
Project Outline


  • This entire assignment should fall between 1.5 to 3 pages
  • Subreddit Link:
  • Subreddit Name: Animal Crossing
  • Number of members:
  • Brief notes about what you plan to focus on (hobbies, socialization online, animals and society, grief, video games, popular culture, etc.)
    • Brief description of how the subreddit fits
  • Section should be less than ½ page

Planned Academic Articles

  • Please share 3 academic articles that you plan to use in the paper (less than ½ page)
    • You can provide a quick description of them below your citation information
  • Gray, K. L. (2012). Intersecting oppressions and online communities: Examining the experiences of women of color in Xbox Live. Information, Communication & Society, 15(3), 411-428.
    • Considers the importance of race/gender in the context of online hostilities
  • The third academic article goes here
    • Repeat process

Proposed Research Questions and Planned Data Collection

  • You may have adjusted things since working on the brainstorm and that is okay!
  • Use this space to update the plan (up to ¾ page)
  • Number of posts and comments you plan to analyze
    • Explanation of why you have made this choice
  • RQ1: How frequently are people active in talking about cute animals online?
    • Briefly explain how you plan to answer with your data
    • Briefly explain what you see so far in the data
  • RQ2: What cute creatures are most frequently talked about?
    • Briefly explain how you plan to answer with your data
    • Briefly explain what you see so far in the data
  • RQ3: What tone is usually present in these interactions?
    • Coding for different key words. This includes when people are supportive (“Nice work!”) or discouraging (“I hated what they did with the finale!”).
    • The community is divided so far, with a split between positive and negative posts. There are a lot of people who seem happy (using words like, “satisfied”), but there are also people who are not happy (using words like “ruined”).
      • At a guess, this could be because a finale recently aired and people are still reacting and processing it.

Data Visualization

  • This may change by the time you turn in your final paper and that is okay!
  • Provide some brief ideas about what you will do with data visualization
    • You will need one per theme/pattern you discuss! (these are basically the answers to your research questions, which you can develop after looking at the data)
  • This section should be up to ½ page
  • How do you want to convey data to your reader?
  • I will use bar charts because my data will be categorical and these are an effective way to convey this data in an easy to understand way
  • I will also use a couple of quotes (which I will de-identify for privacy) to show examples of what I coded