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    A Road Map to Developing an Effective Team


    Brita Hardy; Sylvia Golding; Stephanie Williams

    Health Care Administration Program, University of Phoenix

    HSC 325: Introduction to Human Resources

    Instructor Michele Lardieri

    December 22, 2020

    A Road Map to Developing an Effective Team

    In the world of Healthcare today the one thing that is constant is change. As the healthcare industry changes, healthcare organizations must adapt and change with also. The one aspect that constantly communicated and implemented is a team-based care approach. With healthcare now also being a “consumer market”. Consumers are now shopping for providers in all medical categories and now the customer or focus is not on the providers, yet it has become consumer driven. Consumers want to know that the whole team is addressing their healthcare needs not solely the provider. The consumer wants to know that their office assistant (OA) is ensuring that their requested referral has been processed, and that the provider and medical assistant has given the OA all that is needed to process that request. For this task to take place their must be an effective team working together with good teamwork.

    An effective team is a group of people that are working collaboratively together towards the same common goal. An effective team must have the characteristics of teamwork, good communication, trust, and motivation to ensure productivity interdependency and unity towards the desired organizational goals and objectives. To develop a team, you must identify and ensure that these characteristics are actively developed and demonstrated within the team. Let us look at the road map to creating an effective team and what you must characteristics a team must have for the team to be successful.

    How to Develop Teamwork

    According to Audiopedia, 2018, teamwork is defined as the collaboration within a team setting to achieve a common goal or to complete a task effectively. In an organization it is important to achieve a high level of teamwork in order for the organization to become productive as possible. In order to develop an effective team, teamwork must be an important part of developing a team (Audiopedia, 2018). To develop teamwork within a team there are many strategies that can be taken however, we will focus on the method of organizational learning (Buchbinder, Shanks, & Kite, 2019). Organizational learning requires that an organization focuses on the development of employees both individually and collectively fostering an environment of continued learning (Buchbinder, Shanks, & Kite, 2019).

      Also in developing a team it is important to understanding and identifying the goals of the organization, the structure of a teams with defining roles and responsibilities while effectively communicating those roles and responsibilities.

    Teamwork Development: Effective Strategy

    As previously stated, developing teamwork requires an organization to adopt the organizational learning method. Organizational learning helps to develop teamwork by developing and encouraging employees to continually learn and share what they have learned with others to create optimal Healthcare services (Buchbinder, Shanks, & Kite, 2019). In organizational learning a team learns how to close the gap between “what we know and what we need to know” (Buchbinder, Shanks, & Kite, 2019).

    According to Buchbinder, Shanks & Kite, 2019, once an organization understands that organizational learning method helps to develop educate and create an atmosphere of inclusion, then and only then will teamwork start to form for productively and success to happen.

    Teamwork Development: Ineffective Strategy(ies)

     When developing a team to create effective teamwork it is important that healthcare managers and leaders have an understanding of barriers that can arise. Teamwork is an interdependent function which means all members must be involved and order for meeting organizational goals (Buchbinder, Shanks, & Kite, 2019). Leaders need to understand how to avoid certain behaviors within a team to continually have a teamwork environment. Some of these barriers include avoiding responsibilities and ineffective communication (About Us:Berkley People & Culture, 2020).

    When a team environment is broken from avoidance of responsibilities, it usually is the symptom of a larger problem. That problem is a lack of communication within management to the team due to undefined roles and responsibilities (About Us:Berkley People & Culture, 2020). When roles and responsibilities are undefined a team member can become “burned out” due to the weighted or shifted responsibilities from another team member. Another, barrier is lack of communication or ineffective communication. For cohesion to take place within a team, leaders and members must openly communicate the organizational goals, understand their roles and responsibilities while holding each member accountable for those roles and responsibilities. If ineffective communication exits, then a breakdown of trust happens (How to Build an Effective Team in a Healthcare Setting, 2018)

    Teamwork Development: Maintaining Teamwork

    Teamwork requires that you maintain it within a team. To maintain teamwork each member must be motivated to do so. Leaders and managers in Healthcare must clearly communicate to the team the goals of their organization along with clearly identifying the roles and responsibilities of all members of a team (How to Build an Effective Team in a Healthcare Setting, 2018). When all stakeholders clearly communicate and understand the organizational goals they are working towards , the team will openly listen ,rapport within the team start to form (How to Build an Effective Team in a Healthcare Setting, 2018).

    When members receive effective communication of the goals and needs of their healthcare organization, and what role they play to meeting these goals, team members will be more motivated to helping the organization be a success. This shows members of a team that they have an invested interest wither it be to deliver excellent care or even achieve a yearly incentive there is an clear objective of the goal they are reaching (How to Build an Effective Team in a Healthcare Setting, 2018). Healthcare leaders and managers play a vital role in ensuring that teamwork is successful.


    Communication is an essential tool in every team to ensure that a team performs efficiently, has enhanced focus and creativity. However, some members in a group or the entire might have communication difficulties. Ensuring that the communication one has with another is a clear and purposeful message that makes the team avoid engaging in simple gossips around the office. The other strategy is to ensure that meetings are short and productive, and promoting face-face interactions among team members is another strategy that could help enhance communication among team members (Ricard, 2020). Looking for the correct and effective channel as well as regular updates for team projects and goals.


    Team Development: Effective Communication Strategy

     Effective communication means that the employees are happy, thus boosting and maintaining a positive work environment. To allow effective communication within a team, one has to ensure that the members are active listeners, have empathy, are open minded to correction and criticism, and convey respect in everything they do. For effective communication to occur among team members, they have to be clear and concise for everything they say and do to avoid any misunderstandings that might lead to team conflict. Non-verbal communication such as gestures, eye contact, and tone convey the message being put across; thus, these non-verbal communications must be right and not aggressive.


    Team Development: Handling Conflicts

    Conflict in communication can be resolved in very many ways, especially at the workplace. One way is to be interested and show compassion for the argument that the next person is making. Listening carefully and being inquisitive is another way of handling conflict in communication. Eberhardt (2016) states that asking open questions to understand clearly what is being said crucial. Listening attentively also prevents the argument from escalating into conflict and negative words. Avoid being disrespectful by ensuring that the tone and voice one is using is not condescending or dismissive.


    Team Development: Ineffective Communication Strategies

    Many team leaders and managers make mistakes when developing or training a team in an organization. When developing a group, you are not supposed to do things that you are not supposed to do as a leader. Assuming that everybody is equal is mistake number one, showing the team that you prefer a particular individual in the team, and being subjective is some of the ineffective strategies used when developing a team. Accommodating indiscipline, doing almost every task yourself, not setting rules and regulations, and implementing unclear goals. All these are ineffective ways of building a team at the workplace or any other place.


    Team Development: Maintaining Good Communication

    As human beings, we engage in conversation daily, hence communicating about what we’ve seen, read, or told by other people. To ensure that you maintain effective and good communication with other people, here are strategies to help you. Have open communication with your team or friends, be clear, concise, and direct in whatever you’re communicating, and welcome feedback, opinions, and criticism from anyone. Listening attentively and avoiding any negative comments and coming from you should also help and lastly ensure that you are approachable.

    Motivation within a Team

    Motivation is key to keep team members enthusiastic about their work. Keeping a balance between offering pay raises or changes to work conditions or assigning people tasks that they enjoy can increase the team’s interest and motivation to complete a job well done.

    Team Development: Method or Strategy Used to Motivate a Team

    Motivation is key to keep team members enthusiastic about their work. Keeping a balance between offering pay raises or changes to work conditions or assigning people tasks that they enjoy can increase the team’s interest and motivation to complete a job well done.

    Team Development: Theoretical Concept of Motivation

    One motivation theory is the Guaspari’s Proposal, he proposes topics like trust, engagement, empowerment, and values. He suggests managers create an environment in which it becomes easier for others to feel confident in what is expected of them. Creating an environment in which employees feel safe while exercising judgment, an environment that will bring full measure of effort and energy on the task at hand. This involves communicating clearly about strategy and direction, allowing team members to strive to achieve goals and working to develop team member by coaching and assistance from others. (Introduction to Health Care Management, Fourth Edition chapter 3)

    Team Development: Ineffective Methods for Motivating a Team

    Ineffective motivation theories such as the Scientific Management Theory (McGregor,1960) assumes people are motivated to continually work harder and become more efficient and the Ouchi’s Theory (Ouchi, 1981) Assumes employees who are involved and committed to an organization are motivated to increase productivity. Assumptions such as these cause conflict and low confidence within a team.

    Team Development: Maintaining Motivation in a Team

    There are two main types of motivation in the developing a team that extrudes high motivation and they are extrinsic and intrinsic types of motivation. Extrinsic motivation includes when a manager can use external factors to encourage a team to do what they need to be done by offering pay raises, time off, bonus check and the threat of job loss. Intrinsic motivation is internal and is about having a personal desire to overcome a challenge. Managers should interact with team members and trust them. Intrinsically motivated people get a great deal of satisfaction and enjoy what they do. It is important to know your team member and discover what motivates them and find a good mixture of extrinsic and intrinsic motivators (Introduction to Health Care Management, Fourth Edition chapter 3).


    Conclusion of Developing a Team

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    About Us:Berkley People & Culture. (2020). Retrieved December 02, 2020, from Berkley Education:

    Audiopedia. (2018, October 17). What is Teamwork? Teamwork Definition and Meaning. YouTube .

    Buchbinder, S. B., Shanks, N. H., & Kite, B. J. (2019). Introduction to health care management (4th ed.). Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

    Eberhardt, N. (2016-2020). ForbesBooks: 4 Effective Ways to Prevent, De-escalate, or Resolve Conflict Through Better Communication. Retrieved from Advantage Media Group Inc. and Forbes Media LLC:

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