Computer Science Homework Help

Please answer this homework related to Data Science and Big Data Analysis in APA format with References and Citations I just added brief questions but you will find the questions in the PPT attached:Y

Please answer this homework related to Data Science and Big Data Analysis in APA format with References and Citations

I just added brief questions but you will find the questions in the PPT attached:You need R to work on this.

Tidy Text Format” – Question 1

a)You have been assigned “your author”* in:b)Identify books for the author: www.gutenberg.org Jane Austen, the Brontë sisters, and “your author”

*You can chose another author:

Make sure it is not on the list for anyone else

“Sentiment analysis with tidy data” Question 2

b)Comparing three sentiment lexicons through the sentiment lexicons as Fig 2.3–bing from Bing Liu and collaborators, andc)Plot words that contribute to positive and negative sentiment for your authors works as in Fig 2.4

d)Create a world cloud of the most common words for your author’s works as in Fig 2.5

“Analyzing word and document frequency: tf-idf”