Communications Homework Help

For your final project in this class, you will research and write a formal paper that uses a communication theory to identify, describe, analyze, and possibly resolve a real-world communication proble

For your final project in this class, you will research and write a formal paper that uses a communication theory to identify, describe, analyze, and possibly resolve a real-world communication problem in your workplace.* The project will be completed through a combination of discussion board activities and written assignments each week.(*Students who are not employed or who cannot discuss their workplaces may use a communication problem they have experienced in another organizational setting in which they are involved, such as in school or as part of a church or community group.)Objective: This final project is intended to help you understand how knowledge of communication theory supplements the skills you will need to succeed in their careers or personal lives. By completing it, you will achieve the following outcomes:Develop a research question on an authentic workplace* communication problemConduct a relevant academic literature review about a communication theoryExplore your assumptions about the role communication plays in a specific setting in your lifeExercise your critical thinking/analytical skills in researching and analyzing an authentic workplace* communication problemApply principles of communication theory to explain and recommend a potential resolution a real-world communication problem.Requirements:Your paper should clearly state your position on, and conclusions about, the workplace* communication problem that you posed in your research question. This means your thesis statement must be supported by researched evidence and reasons, including discussion of at least one relevant communication theory studied in this course.It should be 5-7 pages in length (excluding cover page and reference page)Employ at least 6 credible and authoritative resources, of which at least 3 must be peer-reviewed, scholarly journals.Its ideas must be properly documented with in-text citations and an end-of-text reference list that conform to the seventh edition of the American Psychological Association’s style rules.Specific information from your resources must be employed, properly integrated into the paper as direct quotes, summaries, or paraphrases accompanied by in-text citations that reflect the latest American Psychological Association style rules. No more than three of the direct quotes may be extended or block quotes.Verify the originality of your content and the accuracy of your documentation by reviewing your paper’s report in your assignment folder. Revise the paper as may be needed to improve your use of quoted, paraphrased, and summarized information from the resources that you found in your research. The sources may not include dictionaries, general websites, blogs, Wikipedia, or wiki-type materials. Your paper must be carefully edited and proofread.Format: The paper should follow the general American Psychological Association manuscript rules and containan APA-style title page12-point fontuniform double-spacing between lines of textAPA-style page headingsparagraphs that are indented1” marginsUse an abstract at your discretion.