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Need help with my writing homework on Distribution and Determinants of Breast Cancer. Write a 1500 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Distribution and Determinants of Breast Cancer. Write a 1500 word paper answering; This can also affect the males because of the identical tissues which the males have, the same is also found in women hence it becomes likely that a male can also develop breast cancer. If the statistics are to be believed then a male is 100 times less likely to get breast cancer than a woman. The most common symptom of breast cancer is usually a lump which appears on the breast, the lump feels very different when compared to the surrounding areas of the breast. “Every woman is at risk for breast cancer. The risk varies with age. At age twenty-five, a woman’s risk is about 1 in 20,000. At age forty-five, it is 1 in about 100. At age eighty-five, it is more than 1 in 10. About 80 percent of all breast cancers are found in women over the age of fifty.” (Breast Cancer). There isn’t much known regarding the cause of the disease, research is still on to find the same. In most of the cases, for Diagnosis A doctor performs Biopsy, this is a procedure under which tissues are removed from the patient’s breast who is likely to be suffering from breast cancer and these tissues are studied under the microscope so as to decide whether or not the patient has Breast Cancer. After carefully studying the tissues, a conclusion is arrived at.

“Breast cancer was recognized by the Ancient Egyptians as long ago as 1600 BC. However, over the past 50 years it has become a major health problem affecting as many as one in eight women during their lifetime.” (Epidemiology). The disease has a long history. it has become very common in women these days. It not only affects the developing countries but also it affects the developed countries, so there is no escape whatsoever from this deadly disease. Nearly one million women are diagnosed with breast cancer all across the globe and 400000 women die&nbsp.because of breast cancer.&nbsp.