Article Writing Homework Help

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on high-performance pre-competition soccer coaching based on principles of sports science.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on high-performance pre-competition soccer coaching based on principles of sports science. Coaches elevate their team’s performance through training and instruction. In soccer, the demands placed on the players are grouped as four interdependent components of the game: technique, tactics, fitness, and psychology. For raising a team’s high-performance potential to its maximum level, and for preventing it from getting weighed down by a weak component, coaching has to focus on improving each of the components. Although performance perfection is never attained in sport, teams can reach their highest peak performance level when all the players are simultaneously playing at their own individual best in relation to each component (Daniel 2004). &nbsp.

“One of the key principles of sports science is that learning is accelerated when practice activities succeed in replicating the demands of the game”. This is termed as the principle of sports specificity. An example is that the ball is rarely stationary in open play, with intensive pace and flight of the ball and timing of the runs. therefore practicing crosses using a stationary ball from only 20 yards out does not enhance the players’ skill in successfully executing crosses in a game where on a regulation size field the crosses will originate from further out. Similarly, receiving balls at the edge of the penalty area, and using a leisurely five or six touches to turn and prepare for a shot, does not help a forward to prepare for the demands of his position, because during a competitive match he will not be allowed as much time and space on the ball so close to goal.

Elevating Physiological, Psychological, Technical and Tactical Levels

The high levels of fitness required by soccer players to meet the physical demands of a game called for fitness training that is multifactorial, covering the different aspects of physical performance in soccer. The training components consist of aerobic and anaerobic training based on the energy pathway that dominates during the activity periods of the training session. Aerobic and anaerobic training represent exercise intensities below and above the maximum oxygen uptake, respectively.
