Social Science Homework Help

Submit a policy impact report in which you outline the possible ramifications of your admissions policy on the following: The institution’s operations The recruitment, retention, and graduation rates

Submit a policy impact report in which you outline the possible ramifications of your admissions policy on the following:

  • The institution’s operations
  • The recruitment, retention, and graduation rates of culturally diverse college students
  • The institution’s mission and vision

Consider whether your policy will have an impact upon the institution’s mission and vision to work with culturally diverse communities and consider multiple definitions of cultural diversity as you frame your response.

To complete this assignment, review the following documents:Milestone Four Guidelines and Rubric

Follow rubric Verbatim

Perspective: Faculty in business School

Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a four- to five-page (plus a cover sheet and reference page) Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format (following the APA Manual 6th Edition). Ensure that the cover sheet and reference page are also in APA format.