Article Writing Homework Help

Complete 3 pages APA formatted article: Discuss the current status of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) in the United States. What still must be accomplished to make the EHR a reality.

Complete 3 pages APA formatted article: Discuss the current status of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) in the United States. What still must be accomplished to make the EHR a reality. ividual and an individual is able to get involved in the process of agenda setting when one of the processes of cognition known as accessibility becomes active. This means that the higher the frequency of media covering particular subject, the higher will be the rate at which the subject will become accessible in the memories of the audience. Three different kinds of agenda setting methods have been realized by Rogers, the first kind is public agenda setting (Kaid, 2004, p.258). In the subject that is more important to the public is given great importance. The second kind is denoted as media agenda setting, in this kind the topic that is important to media is given great importance and lastly the third kind is policy agenda setting. In the last kind, the topics that are important to the people who make policies is hotly debated and given importance.