Article Writing Homework Help

Need an research paper on physical discipline for children. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on physical discipline for children. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. This paper will examine whether parents should be allowed to punish their children physically if they want to. Through research articles, the two sides issue will be explored, conclusions drawn, and relate to my personal beliefs.

Parents should administer physical punishment if they desire to apply it without causing physical harm. The rationale of this being administering of corporal discipline in parenting has shown impressive results as a form of parenting among the Americans. The reason for the practice is based on the outcomes that have been witnessed in their children. Research has also demonstrated that corporal punishment has been linked to good results (Simons et al., 2012). Physical discipline involves spanking, slapping, and hitting a child in response to misbehavior. Through the parent’s beliefs, experience, and culture, corporal punishment has been shown handy. Exploring two journals supports the idea that parents should use physical discipline to their children if they feel to do it.

Simons et al. (2012) aimed at filling the gap that exists on the consequences of corporal punishment as a parenting practice among African Americans. It explores the relative effectiveness of various styles of parenting. It hypothesizes that corporal punishment is not always linked to poor outcomes. With a longitudinal study design, the severity and consequences of corporal punishment were done to child outcome. It is rottenly assumed that warm parenting rarely utilizes corporal punishment. From the research, parents high in responsiveness are unlikely to administer corporal punishment than parents who are low on responsiveness (Simons et al., 2012). There is a perception that corporal punishment is indicative of demanding parenting or strictness. However, this is not always the case. According to Simons et al. (2012), 29% of parents who are high at demandingness or strictness use corporal punishment, and 35% of small demanding parents utilize corporal punishment.