Article Writing Homework Help

I need some assistance with these assignment. scientific approaches used during the investigation Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. scientific approaches used during the investigation Thank you in advance for the help! The goodness of preserving the homicide crime scene and carrying out the intelligent examination at the crime scene cannot be overemphasized. If, for instance, a murder case backfires to proceed or the officer is mistreated in court, the paramount reason may be an insufficient examination of the homicide scene or a total failure to implement basic crime procedures.

Usually, homicide investigations begin at the site where the body is initially found (primary scene). Primary scene symbolizes the significance of this site and the immediate concern of the police officials to such forensically crucial area in death detections (Palmiotto, 2012).

It is worth noting that any item may and can constitute physical evidence. thus it is an important caution is observed. Nothing should be moved or touched from the scene before the investigators arrive. However, if the need arises such that something at the scene has to be moved or secured immediately, a detective handling the evidence should record and document the location, condition, appearance and any other feature that may be affecting the investigation. This officer should be sure to provide enough information to the homicide detectives without any distortion of information. In all homicide cases, the crime scene is proof that the crime was committed. It contains all the elements of corpus delicti and gives a lot of physical evidence that connects the suspect or suspects to the crime (McKeever, 2013). Therefore, if one can take control of the primary scene, automatically that person has controlled the investigation.

Both the National Research Council and Board on Life Sciences (2010) have the same idea and concur with the fact that homicide investigation begins at the crime scene.