Article Writing Homework Help

Need help with my writing homework on Living in a Network-Centric World. Write a 1250 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Living in a Network-Centric World. Write a 1250 word paper answering; Such electronic mails are of high importance and websites, due to which the concept of e-business has emerged. Nowadays, many companies have their own websites for all of their operations, such as,, or they advertise their products and services through many other sites, for instance, Thus, it has impacted the social life of people through easy communication (Bargh & McKenna, 2004).

The Internet has altered the ways of society, business, politics, and personal relationships. It has provided an instant kind of communication where people can connect to global societies and communities (Clark, 2003). Such a global level of communication is being used in enhancing productivity and efficiency in business operations with a quick exchange of information. Business operations are facilitated by lowering the costs, up-to-date information regarding any emergency and mistakes, and online training and development for employees. The internet has brought many resources, which range from cooking recipes to weather forecasts (Dye & Reid, 2014).

Networks are also supporting the education system which is much advanced with networking. For this reason, the trend of online education, or e-learning is much developed nowadays, where the study material is transmitted through networks and students get regular consultancies, assessments of their assignment, and feedback. It has enhanced the students’ learning experiences and exposure to large information bases (Boling, et al., 2014).

In addition to these, it has developed the working environments and efficiency through automated operations and enhanced collaboration of the business vendors, employees, customers, etc. This collaboration is not only limited to the information exchanges but many software is developed, which is used online and benefit the organizations with automatic data update by integrating all the processes over the horizon (MacDonald & Smith, 2003). Moreover, it has defined new ways of&nbsp.entertainment, such as online gaming, trips and travel guides, etc.