Article Writing Homework Help

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic self-analysis and self-assessment critique. This is the place where she got to fully realize my passion for the arts and design which has been with her to this day. W

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic self-analysis and self-assessment critique. This is the place where she got to fully realize my passion for the arts and design which has been with her to this day. While it is acknowledged that she has attained many of her targets and become proficient in many fields of art and design and technology, she also has some weaknesses and shortcomings which make her not be exactly what she aspires to be.

She is an exceptional student since she always puts a lot of effort into her studies. She has always found her lectures to be entertaining and illuminating since she is passionate about the content taught in the lectures. She has found that she finds it easier to enjoy her classes since she relates to the content in the tutorials to the material which she has read in her studies. Finding materials that are relevant for her studies has always been an easy task given that she enjoys reading novel concepts outside of class. Reading this material out of class, then makes her get a clearer understanding and application of the concepts learned in class. The search for relevant materials thus becomes an enjoyable activity rather than a chore. Her reading outside the classroom has however posed a challenge in that she tends to read ahead which seems to make her lose interest in the lectures since she has already learned of the concepts in her reading. She believes she has to engage in finding challenging concepts that she may use in getting to involve herself in the class lectures and tutorials.

The study of IT has always been an interest of hers, hence its study has presented her with few problems. This has been also because she has had prior experience with the use of the Internet in her initial years of schooling. She has proficiency in the use of the Internet and as such, the search for materials that augment her study is particularly enhanced. She, however, encounters difficulties in issues of programming and software which she has not had an opportunity to get acquainted with fully. She is a great believer in the power of&nbsp.consultation, hence she consults the senior members of the department and her classmates so that she can get an understanding of these IT procedures.