Law Homework Help

Typologies of Organized CrimeThe (true) story of Henry Hill provides a good example to illustrate the typologies of organized crime, criminals, and organizations. If you are familiar with the movie Go

Typologies of Organized Crime

The (true) story of Henry Hill provides a good example to illustrate the typologies of organized crime, criminals, and organizations. If you are familiar with the movie Goodfellas, that was based on the story of Henry Hill.

For this assignment, research the life and criminal career of Henry Hill and post a response that addresses these points:

  • Describe the organization that Hill joined: Where did it operate? What was the ethnic makeup of the group? What kinds of activities were they known for? How was the organization structured? (We’ll learn about specific structure types later, but for now you should be able to briefly describe how the group was organized).
  • How do the activities of the group fit into the typologies described in the class material?
  • How did Hill’s ethnicity affect his career with this group?
  • Why did Henry Hill idolize and ultimately join the mobsters who hung out in his neighborhood? How do you explain Henry’s continuing with his criminal lifestyle and associates after being incarcerated and often being in fear for his life? Why didn’t Henry Hill get out of the organized crime business earlier?


information for assignment.

3 typologies of organized crime

1.the provision of illicit services

2.the provision of illicit good

3.the infiltration of legitimate business or government

The provision of illicit services involves an attempt to satisfy the public demand for money, sex, and gambling that legitimate society does not fulfill. The specific crimes involved most often include loansharking, prostitution, and gambling. Loansharking is the lending of money to individuals at an interest rate in excess of that permitted by law. Organized prostitution offers sex for pay on a systematic basis. Gambling consists of games of chance that are not approved by the state. Numbers gambling, for example, is a lottery that operates without the approval of the state. Each of these crimes occurs as a continuing enterprise due to the failure of a sizable portion of the public to obtain access to money, sex, or gambling in a legitimate way, such as through bank loans, marriage, or state lotteries.

The provision of illicit goods is a category of organized crime that offers particular products that a segment of the public desires, but cannot obtain through legitimate channels. The sale and distribution of drugs and the fencing (a “fence” is a person who knowingly buys and sells stolen property as an illicit business) and distribution of stolen property are examples of specific crimes in this category. There is a great demand for drugs, such as marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin, that are either illegal to possess or illegal to distribute outside very strict regulations imposed by the government. Needless to say, these regulations do not diminish the demand for the drugs and, as a result, some people attempt to obtain them illegally. In a similar way, a significant portion of society desires to buy products at the lowest price possible, regardless of where the seller originally obtained them. Due to this demand, organized criminals emerge who “fence” stolen merchandise (i.e., buy and sell stolen property) to customers who do not care from where it came. This stolen property might consist of automobiles, guns, jewelry, stereo equipment, cell phones, software, or any other product for which there is a high demand.

The third category of organized crime is the infiltration of legitimate business or government. Labor racketeering and the takeover of waste disposal companies are two examples of infiltration of legitimate business. Labor racketeering involves the use of force or threats to obtain money for ensuring jobs or labor peace. This often entails threatening employers or employees that if money is not paid, there will be no job for the employees or that violence, strikes, and/or vandalism will occur at the employers’ companies. In a similar way, waste disposal companies in some areas have been taken over through the use of coercion to intimidate legitimate owners to sell the business or to have it operated by an outsider by means of intimidation

citation for the text above

Albanese, J. S. (2014). Organized Crime. [South University]. Retrieved from https://digitalbookshelf