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Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on emoji in communication: an annotated bibliography.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on emoji in communication: an annotated bibliography. As universal as they may be, they can be frequently misinterpreted. Misinterpretation renders communication ineffective. Failure for harmonization mechanisms to ensure homogenous interpretation of texts spells doom for the emoji.

On the other hand, he expresses optimism over prospects of the emoji developing above the setbacks to unify the world. He calls this the universal language that does not isolate between race or nation. Interpretation of emoji does not require any special decoding skills. Wroclawski rightfully observes that, even when the interpretation may not homogenous it only takes a short period to achieve that homogeneity. Therefore, emoji retains the potential to surpass other modes of relaying information as the most popular one.

According to a New York newspaper, over 470 million joy emoji are being used on twitter currently. A new language is sprouting in the world. The new language makes minimal use of the tongue and mouth. It is a language that a large part of the world subscribes to, as very few barriers to its communication are experienced. The language of emoji and emoticons is a reality linguists live by and are even delving into research to discover its origin and its other distinct features.

It has bridged the gap of communication where formal education failed as it does not alienate or isolate the learned from the illiterate. At a glance, the widespread usage of emoji as a medium of communication strikes one as wave of a revolution that has not yet reached its maturity. The author uses the word evolution to bring into perspective the massive changes emoji cause. It, therefore, has to be dealt with in a tactful way, as the certainty of its benefits or otherwise has yet to be established with confidence.

According to Arias, it is significant to understand the use of emoji as a form of communication founded on the definition of emoticons though they have often been misunderstood.