Article Writing Homework Help

Compose a 1250 words assignment on government intervention on obesity. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 1250 words assignment on government intervention on obesity. Needs to be plagiarism free! However, some important questions have come up and the most important in these is should the government intervene, or is this a matter of individual rights and personal responsibility? This paper argues that the U.S. government should not intervene in the matter because it is a matter of personal responsibility and touches on individual rights.

It is clear that the government is facing a major problem with obesity issues, but it cannot yet solve the problem because a more effective and successful strategy has not been found. The national center for health statistics indicated that the prevalence of obesity among adults has increased significantly from 13.4 percent in 1960 to 34.3 percent in 2008 and could increase to 42 percent in the year 2030. A further 11 percent will be severely obese, which means it will be a significant problem (Ogden and Carroll 1). This increase in the numbers of people with obesity has stirred consideration for government intervention. However, research has indicated that this will not help solve the problem. For example, the government has been providing information known already to the public that eating much and exercising too little will eliminate the obesity epidemic. However, this solution has not yielded any result because the numbers increase yearly (Marlow 76).

Introducing government intervention may increase social stigma that the obese already face because it will unnecessarily increase attention to them from those considered ‘normal’ by pursuing a one-size-fits-all ideology (Sassi 3). This may affect the epidemic even more because obese people will tend to hide so that they can shield themselves from stigma. This will compound the problem because obese people will be afraid to exercise through activities such as running, engaging in different kinds of sports, walking and going to the gym among other exercises that could help them cut the extra weight (Barry, 12).

One popular intervention&nbsp.intervention by the government requires that all restaurant chains in the country post calorie counts in their menus to ensure that citizens do not underestimate their calorie intake.&nbsp.