Article Writing Homework Help

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: The City of Portland’s Urban Food and Public Health. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: The City of Portland’s Urban Food and Public Health. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The Portland Plan Background Report, the Health, Environmental and Economic Considerations Report, and the Urban Food Zoning Code Update Proposed Draft. This paper will discuss the relationship between the food-related problems identified in these three reports, and explain how the proposed zoning code changes can address the identified food problems.

There are several food-related issues identified in the Portland Plan Background Report. One such problem is the fact that even though there is a lot of commitment to urban agriculture and food among Portlanders, the demand for food products and services is outstripping the current supply. The people of Portland believe that all people should have equal access to affordable and healthy food (Portland Plan Background Report 4). A lot of strategies are used to ensure that every resident of Portland can access affordable and healthy. Some of these strategies include backyard gardening, and backyard chicken rearing and movement. However, the problem of supply being outstripped by demand is still looming.

The above food problem is related to the one identified in the Health, Environmental and Economic Considerations Report, which argues that access to food has been hampered by the lack of understanding of complex socio-economic factors, for example, awareness, appropriateness, physical accessibility, and affordability (Health, Environmental and Economic Considerations Report 2). This problem is also related to the food problem identified in the Urban Food Zoning Code Update Proposed Draft. According to the Zoning Code Update (3), Portlanders are known to love food to such an extent that their demand for food supersedes its supply. That is why many residents of the city will shop at farmers’ markets so as to obtain affordable and fresh foods directly from the farmers. Many people are also known to join food buying clubs that will allow them to purchase food in bulk quantities at affordable rates.&nbsp.