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Compose a 1750 words assignment on the philosophy of the human mind: anti realism. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 1750 words assignment on the philosophy of the human mind: anti realism. Needs to be plagiarism free! Graham seeks to explore the two arguments without subscribing to either of them. In his book, The Disordered Mind, Graham explores mental disorder with the objective of fostering realism. He postulates that people with mental disorders have muddled minds as opposed to the view anti-realists want people to take, that they have chemically unbalanced minds.

Anti-Realism about mental disorders is the denial of its existence while realism on the other hand is the acceptance of its existence. Graham acknowledges the right of anti-realists to question the existence of mental disorders while noting the folly of such a position given the amount of evidence available on the contrary. The two arguments advanced by anti-realists are subject to examination and the best ways of rejecting them analyzed. Anti-realism is understood by examining how it views the facts held by realists (Graham, 2009). People who deny the existence of mental disorders are anti-realists while those who accept their existence are referred to as realists.

Graham presents two arguments for accepting anti-realism. The first one is metaphysical anti-physical realism/skepticism. The core of this argument is that the categorization of a mental disorder has a huge influence on one’s understanding of the causal-explanatory power of the mind and mentality in the physical world (Graham, 2009). It calls for an understanding of this influence for a successful approach to the issue. Reference to mental disorders helps to explain unusual human behavior. Although it offers the most plausible explanation for some behaviors, metaphysics skeptics argue that it is not enough.

The second is moral anti-realism. The core of this argument affirms that it is morally wrong to label a given condition as a mental disorder (Graham, 2009).&nbsp.However, stating that the label is wrong does not mean that the standards and norms observed by medical and psychiatric specialists in coming up with it are wrong or flawed.