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Create a 13 pages page paper that discusses aristotles contribution to understanding of human behavior.

Create a 13 pages page paper that discusses aristotles contribution to understanding of human behavior. Aristotle was the student of Plato and he taught Alexander the Great. He was born in Stagirus in 384 BC, a Greek colony that no longer exists. His father was a physician to the king of Macedonia and he began his life with the influence of the Macedonian Court. His father passed away when he was a little boy and he was appointed in Athens to study by his guardian, which was the ‘intellectual center of the world.’ He began lectures later after his studies. He was married twice and had a son, Alexander who would later go on to conquer the world. Aristotle also set up his own school called the Lyceum where he also taught. He was connected to his members of the school and he walked around a great deal, connecting with them, and they came to be known as ‘peripatetics’ in later years, which means to walkabout. He spent thirteen years of his life teaching and involved in treatises about philosophy. He contributed to the world by not only giving lectures to students interested in philosophy but more popular lectures for those who were interested in gaining knowledge (Aristotle., Cooke, Longinus, Demetrius., & al, 1926).

Aristotle is believed to be the first information theorist and modern cognition takes its basic roots from there. Since the time of Aristotle, the perception has been a relevant phenomenon, and audition in cognitive processes takes its roots from there as well. We are bombarded with tones of information daily, however, perception is the ability to separate it and make meaning of the world using audition. Language and logic were also a part of this relationship with the world that was formed due to the theories advanced by Aristotle. Since the time of the Greeks, the language was believed to have two parts, and even though there is very little research on it then, there is a fair share of research done today.

Thus Aristotle also plays a significant role in the importance that counseling psychology has today.