Social Science Homework Help

Locate an article that addresses a topic in textbook chapters 1-4 or an article on the school closures due to COVID-19 and the impact to students with disabilities The article must be current and publ

Locate an article that addresses a topic in textbook chapters 1-4 or an article on the school closures due to COVID-19 and the impact to students with disabilities

The article must be current and published between 2015 and 2020.

Read, review and summarize the article that you have selected

Your article summary should be approximately 3 pages in length and include all relative information with respect to the author and the publication in which it was found.

The following must be addressed in your article summary:

· Title:

· Author:

· Source:

· The primary problem and / or issue addressed

· Educational relevance to consider

· Effective teaching considerations where appropriate

· 2 other websites that you found related to the subject area

· Direct references must be cited:

APA rules