Nursing homework help

Fill in the Blank1._____ is one of the primary causes of maternal mortality associated with childbearing that may be due to a small section of retained placenta.2.The incomplete return of the uterus to its prepregnant size and shape is referred to as _____.3.To confirm urinary retention, a catheterized amount of _____ is measured.4.Postpartum _____ are a normal accompaniment to birth.5.The 2020 National Health Goals include seeing an increase to at least _____% of the infants being breastfed.6.Infants born with a severe developmental hip dysplasia may be placed in a _____ to try to correct the problem.7._____ occurs when the sternocleidomastoid is injured and bleeds during birth.8.Infants with a meconium ileus should be screened for _____ _____.9._____ is the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles or subarachnoid space.10.Simple spina bifida occulta is a(n) _____ disorder.True/False1.When establishing expected outcomes for newborns, the outcomes should be consistent with the newborn’s potential.2.It is estimated that between 10% and 15% of newborns require some assistance to begin breathing.3.Newborns should be kept in a neutral-temperature environment.4.Every infant experiences respiratory acidosis until he or she takes a first breath.5.The best “milk” for preterm infants is a commercial formula that best suits their individual situation.

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