Calculus homework help

  1. Student Portfolio
    Every student in this course will compile an electronic student portfolio. This portfolio must be uploaded to the Blackboard discussion board for this course by the last day of class.
    Your portfolio must be divided in four clearly defined sections: Portfolio Narrative, Class Activities, Homework Assignments and Practice Exams. Each of these sections must contain all the portfolio materials related to that section.
    In the portfolio narrative you will write about the most important or challenging things that you have learned in the course. For example, you can write about a challenging problem, concept or idea related to the course that you have recently mastered. Each portfolio narrative should be around one page long and must be typed, double spaced, in a 12 point font.

Dear students,
To submit your student portfolio, please upload a single pdf file containing all the things that you did for this course. [See the syllabus for more information about the documents that have to be included in your student portfolio.] You can create this pdf file by scanning the documents and then using Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat to produce a single pdf file. You can also use free smartphone apps, such as Adobe Scan or CamScanner, to scan the documents and combine them into a single pdf file.
If you have problems to produce your portfolio as a single pdf file, you can make a (short) video of yourself showing the main sections of your student portfolio. You can use a smartphone to make your portfolio video.
When you upload your portfolio (either as a pdf file or as video) to Blackboard, its filename must be in the following format: Portfolio-Submission-Your Last Name-Your First Name. For example, if I upload my student portfolio, then its filename must be Portfolio-Submission-Cruz-Aldo.
If your portfolio video is too big to upload it to Blackboard, try compressing the video, lowering its resolution or making it shorter before uploading it. If none of those things helps, try to submit your portfolio as a pdf file.
Please upload your portfolio file to the correct place in Blackboard (Student Portfolios>Click here to upload your portfolio).
The due date for uploading your portfolio to Blackboard is Monday, 12/7, at 11:59 PM.
Good luck with your finals.
Dr. Cruz

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