Applied Sciences homework help

Blume, A. (2016). Advances in substance abuse prevention and treatment interventions among racial, ethnic, and sexual minority populations. Alcohol Research, 38(1), 47-54
What is the author’s thesis and where does it appear in the paper?
What is the main idea of the third paragraph of this paper?
What supporting details and, if applicable, examples are provided to convey this main idea?
What is the main idea of the fifth paragraph of this paper?
What supporting details and, if applicable, examples are provided to convey this main idea?
What is the main idea of the seventh paragraph of this paper?
What supporting details and, if applicable, examples are provided to convey this main idea?
In the end, what does the author conclude?
Length: 2-3 pages long (double-spaced), excluding the cover page and the reference list.
Format: APA format is required for this assignment


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