Art & Design Homework Help

1. Listen to the two versions of Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (the Fisk Jubilee Quartet and the art-song arrangement by Harry T. Burleigh) from Ch. 50 in your Playlist and included below as well. Compare

1. Listen to the two versions of Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (the Fisk Jubilee Quartet and the art-song arrangement by Harry T. Burleigh) from Ch. 50 in your Playlist and included below as well.  Compare and contrast the two arrangements. What qualities change the traditional spiritual into an art song? Which do you prefer, and why? How did the United States move past domination by European music in the nineteenth century and develop its own inherently American sound in the early twentieth century? How did composers create music that sounded uniquely “American?” (I am looking for something specific here…What did some of the American composers–Still, Gershwin, Ives, Copland–do in their music?) Be specific in your answer.