Art & Design Homework Help

Questions for Brainstorming for your Society:  How will you tend to your primary needs of food/shelter/clothing? How will you secure fire, fuel, glue, lashing, snowshoes and other transportation, etc

Questions for Brainstorming for your Society:  How will you tend to your primary needs of food/shelter/clothing? How will you secure fire, fuel, glue, lashing, snowshoes and other transportation, etc.?  How will you organize the division of labour? Will there be any form of authority?  What sexual morals, kinship systems and reproductive practices will you utilize?  Who will be responsible for the future children and what about their education?  What values and principles will you want and will there be some form of religion?  What will be legal or illegal? Will you have any taboos?  What about medicine and health care?  What will you do for defense or warfare?  Will you have social functions or ceremonies?