Article writing homework help

Peer review the following portfolio document base on the rubric below, give suggestion.
However, along the way, we want to see how you conducted your research, what elements you chose not to include in your project, what interviews you conducted, and so forth. Along with your instagram series, you will submit a research portfolio. This portfolio should include:
Why did you choose to focus on this research? For e.g., why focus on people locally vs. a global analysis
What obstacles have you faced?
Any research material gathered, such as interviews, additional sources to your midterm annotated bibliography, and notes on how you are incorporating these elements into your final project.
Brief notes (these can be bullet points) annotating the research and analyzing how they fit into your final project
A 1-2 page analysis clearly states the aims of your research and its relationship to your creative series.
Background Story
There is a news from New York Times which titled “food delivery apps are booming while their workers are often struggling” (link: has triggered my attention. The story tells how pandemic has made food supply chain system booming especially on food delivery apps such as DoorDash, Uber Eats and Grubhub. Uber alone mentioned that it had added 36,000 couriers in New York because of COVID-19.
Research Purpose and Methodology
Regarding on how to construct the research, desk research on how COVID-19 impact global economy on supply chain will be the basic step. After that, research countries will mainly be China and the USA, other countries are not included in this research. Analysis on both common response and difference on supply chain management are vital. So this research aims for compare the dependence on global economy by listing China and the USA food supply chain system during pandemic. News frequently report imported food such as beef and shrimp carried the virus of COVID-19. This will drew public’s attention on both the capacity and fragility on food supply chain to meet global consumer’s needs (Stolze,2020). This research methodology mainly using qualitative analysis by interviews with consumers from both China and USA on their attitudes and response on food supply chain during COVID-19 and also by relevant materials study. Limitations on this study may lack massive data support such as marketing research on selected cities in China and the USA to support the findings. Obstacle in this research is finding citizens in the USA to understand detailed information on how COVID-19 influence food supply chain system and their feedback on the global economy. To avoid the information gathered is subjective, different ways for knowing their feedback are collected such as Linkedin and referrals.
How COVID-19 influence global economy on supply chain?
Without COVID-19 outbreak, the trends of global economy indicated that globalization especially for Asian countries attracted by foreign direct investment posed a significant impact (Glushkova, 2019). However, experts also pointed out that companies need to rethink about strategies on global supply chain on global economy, which means considering existing risks first, not only focusing on traditional way of global supply chain but also look beyond relocating supply chain networks. Resilience and flexibility will be the main factors for companies to consider under the COVID-19 (Willy,C.,2020).
Different industries ask for different requirements on supply chain management. For industry including food, electronics and automobile industries, more efficiency and collaborations are required. This research mainly select food industry to discuss the impact on global economy on supply chain. The COVID-19 has provided both challenges and opportunities for transformation in the food supply chain. The crisis response shift from efficiency-oriented now turns to changes in the supply chain ecosystem related to a well-being of employees’ and customers’ health and safety. Regarding the supply chain, challenges must be considered to let employees at safe distances to avoid disease transmission (Tuzovic and Kabadayi, 2020).
China VS USA food supply chain system during COVID-19 based on four approaches featured people, policy approach, global approach, grassroots’ response
Both online and offline system on retailing in China contributes much on COVID-19. The booming of e-commerce especially on food industry quickly occupied the market and play a dominant role compare with real stores. The COVID-19 crisis has changed the trade policies on food of a certain governments. Synergistic governance of organizations, which results in the growth of the national economy(Lee,2014).Decentralization of food producing which will release the tension and might avoid drawbacks and risks associated with centralization food supply chain system (Aday,2020). In China, regional producing on food and support on Wuhan outbreak and control the COVID due to food supply chain’s high efficiency and well management.Grassroot’s response in China are highly satisfied. This is in line with how power, influence, and responsibility in the  supply chain affects the economy(Chen,2018).
Financial Times on23rd June, 2020 reported the critical problem on food supply chain in the USA. It pointed out that food supply chain in the USA are mainly two channels: one is for supermarket channel while the other is for schools and restaurants. Because of COVID-19, schools and restaurants channels are closed. The fragile system of food supply chain causes much tension in public. Over 50% of residents are worried about the supply chain system on food.Federation policy system means each region will support by themselves and to some extent will cause disorder. This can be explained by global supply chains affected the global economy when influence, power, and responsibility of the organizations was considered (Chen,2018).
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Glushkova, Svetlana, Oksana Lomakina, and Tatyana Sakulyeva. “The economy of developing countries in the context of globalization: Global supply chain management.” International Journal of Supply Chain Management 8, no. 1 (2019): 876-884.
Mishra, K., &Rampal, J. (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic and food insecurity: A viewpoint on India. World Development, 135, 105068.
Mollenkopf, Diane A., Lucie K. Ozanne, and Hannah J. Stolze. “A transformative supply chain response to COVID-19.” Journal of Service Management (2020).
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