Article Writing Homework Help

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses principles of information systems and data management.

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses principles of information systems and data management. There has been immense research going on in the field of informatics all over the world. This research is particularly evident in the developed countries. not so visible in the underdeveloped nations. The reason is simple. lack of information technology information and importance. However, there is no doubt that information technology is changing our way of living, our thought processes, our social interaction, and physical and mental development. informatics is the study of these changes that are taking place all over the world.

One of the areas that have been chosen to discuss is the southeast Asia area. the research taking place related to the environment. biodiversity in plants. There are a number of species in the jungles of Indonesia that are still unexplored. Therefore, research is extensively taking place to discover more plant species and realize how they will help in the betterment of human life. Herb medicines are popular in that part of the world. this significant research would ultimately help to heal more people, save more lives. This botanical exploratory research is currently taking place in Indonesia (Campbell, 2010)

The next region is discussed in the Western Asian region. The Quran, the holy book of the Muslims, has been passed on to generations of Muslims all over the world. The manuscripts that are present are in different languages, in different manuscripts. These manuscripts tell a lot about the time that they were made in. Preservation of these scriptures is another aspect of informatics taking place (Ahmed, 2010)

The use of informatics in the health industry in Nigeria has helped the government and concerned authorities to treat more patients and a proactive method of healing. The implementation of such programs helps the health ministry to efficiently handle the patients and cure them. According to research, the use of computers and the internet is slowly increasing in that region, leading to a better system of information technology and usage in the health sector.&nbsp.&nbsp.