Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on unions and labor relations Paper must be at least 750 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on unions and labor relations Paper must be at least 750 words. Please, no plagiarized work! New business concepts such as outsourcing and offshoring helped organizations to operate in a multicultural environment. In other words, employers started to deal with a much more diverse workforce because of globalization. The strategies needed to manage a diverse workforce are entirely different form the strategies needed to manage a workforce of single culture. Different employees may have different needs, especially when they operating in a multicultural environment. For example, Muslim employees always like to have a break for prayer during the mid-noon of every Friday. Same way Christian employees always like to have off on every Sundays. If the employers prevent them from taking such luxuries, they will develop dissatisfaction and their loyalty towards the management may come down. The needs of the employees are changing rapidly because of the advancements in living standards and the new challenges coming in front of them as the time goes on. For example, living expenses are growing day by day and it is difficult for an employee to find his livelihood if the employer is not ready to increase his salary. Same way, workloads are increasing day by day and as a result of that employees are not getting enough time for leisure activities. Work-life balancing is an important aspect of labor relations. If the employees struggle to find enough time to spend with their relatives and friends, their mental health could be damaged. Even if the employees get higher salaries for their extra work loads, they may not be satisfied if they fail to get time to spend with their beloved ones. Physical needs as well as psychological needs of the employees are important in maintaining better labor relations by the employers.