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Write a 6 pages paper on the five stages of perception. Besides, perception also makes individuals make decisions about a life experience, or so.Commonly, it is a process that happens within the body

Write a 6 pages paper on the five stages of perception. Besides, perception also makes individuals make decisions about a life experience, or so.

Commonly, it is a process that happens within the body system of a person. The entire process occurs due to sensory stimulation. Besides, there is a combination of various processes that enable the person to perceive things the way he/she does or even DeVito. At times, others would want to perceive the ones that might seem fit for them. Moreover, there are stages in perception that allows an individual to come up with a conclusion about something they see or hear.

Some people study perception. There could be many reasons for doing so. For instance, it helps a person to understand how to make a judgment about something. Besides, it gives a clear meaning of the world and everything present in it. When people perceive things, it means that there is some curiosity within them. Besides, most of them will give a judgment due to past experience.

5 Stages of Perception

Now, what are the five stages of perception? Below, we can have a look at the various stages in perception to boost your understanding of what they entail. These stages include stimulation, organization, interpretation & evaluation, memory, and recall.

  • Stimulation

Stimulation is the activation of a particular thing to occur. Here, the various senses of a human get activated by a stimulus. Commonly, a person has five senses. These are the sense of smell, touch, taste, sight, and sound. We get to master various senses through experience. For instance, one gets to determine or understand the taste of something, after having it in their mouth.

Many times, this process occurs due to selective exposure or selective attention. Many other stimuli can trigger this stage in someone’s thoughts. Many events happen each day and time. As such, we get into contact with very many stimuli that trigger a sensory stimulation in bodies.

But now, people perceive situations in different ways. The ones that you perceive in a particular manner are not what I get to perceive, as well. Sometimes, what you might think is sweet to you might not taste the same for another person. As such, some assumptions might prove to be DeVito.

Selective attention occurs when someone is anticipating to fulfill a need or so. On the other hand, selective exposure is when someone exposes information that confirms a belief. By so doing, they want to contribute to an objective that might bring about satisfaction.

In this world, a person perceives what he thinks is positive to his life and society. As such, we can clearly state that individuals have a propensity to engage in selective perception. By that, everyone will always perceive only the positive ones and avoid anything that might seem negative or might have a negative effect. Under such situations, we can clearly state that individuals will always DeVito.

Stimulation is the very first stage of perception. Here, an individual puts his/her senses into use. By the smell of something, you can give a good guess of what it could be, even if you don’t see it.

  • Organization

The second stage in perception is organization. For an individual to perceive something in a normal way, he/she must be in a position to identify and recognize things. Commonly, not every individual has the ability to do so. Remember, the brain does the entire process of perceiving objects. As such, it can only focus on the ones that you might see right.

Very many factors determine the way people perceive. Sometimes, we all perceive things in the same manner. At times, others may opt to DeVito. For instance, if we follow a particular procedure in doing something, we might all have a common thought on that specific thing. This is a kind of schema. When the mind perceives an object in a particular manner, we can address that as a schema. But now, this can cause errors, as people don’t perceive things that are in existence.

An excellent example of a schema is a script. Here, the writer gives an organized description of an event from the start until the end. In some cases, it might focus entirely on a specific procedure. A script will make you think the way it is. Perceiving a script is like you perceive non-existing things or an experience.

  • Interpretation & Evaluation

Another crucial stage in perception is interpretation and evaluation. When you visualize something or get in contact with something, your body will process the information asap. As such, it activates the sensory system that leads to a judgment about the stimuli. For instance, if you come across a smell, you will be in a position to determine where it could be coming from, or what is producing that smell.

People tend to evaluate things the way they want. For instance, someone might think that a doctor is someone serious in whatever they are doing or even their life in general. But also, you need to understand that interpretation & evaluation of stimuli could be due to a person’s expectation or even emotional state. To conclude this, people give assessments depending on their schemata, scripts, or even rules.

  • Memory

After interpreting and evaluating a stimulus, the brain will store what you perceive. At times, you might DeVito, and that information is stored in your mind, as well. Everything that takes place in our minds gets to be stored whether we like it or not. Both the perception and the results of interpreting-evaluating a stimulus will have a place in the brain arranged as understood.

Commonly, not everyone can interpret an event in the same manner. Remember, many factors influence the perception of an individual. As such, it gives the difference in how we evaluate scenes and store them within our minds. The memory that we always store will, at one time, enable us to recall what was perceived.

  • Recall

After every other process is over, someone might want to recall an event stored in their minds. When you recall an experience, you might alter what was present within our brains. At times, one might want to rethink about an event. By so doing, they get to perceive another form of what they previously had in their minds.

At times, an individual might want to remember an event in her life. Others would want to remember the ones that made them happy at some point. The good thing when you recall something is that you get a clear meaning of what you had perceived earlier. As such, an individual receives a clear understanding of the event or information. Besides, the ones that we remember will be important at that particular moment. Other information will still remain stored in the minds.

Uncertainties in Perception

Now, do we have any uncertainties in perception? Yes! Commonly, individuals would make a judgment depending on various factors. For instance, one’s emotions will alter how that person perceives a stimulus in general.

Luckily enough, there are ways in which we can reduce, or even avoid such uncertainties. For instance, hosting social events will help to reveal the true identity of a person and his life at large. By so doing, we get to understand how well people perceive things by themselves. At times, we can never know the ones that individuals DeVito. As such, the way people interact during social activities will give a true picture of who they are and what they think on various matters.


We all need to understand that human beings are different in very many ways. Besides, everyone has their own experience of life. For instance, we all have a different culture all in all. Because of that, peoples’ perception of things can never be the same to all. Sometimes, we judge people by the things they perceive. But now, it is never right to do so because they have a reason for perceiving the ones that they perceive.

If we can understand that everyone is different, then we don’t have to judge anyone. Besides, it’s always good to think about the positive side of an individual rather than the negative. As such, we should never judge such individuals. Also, always remember that the process of perceiving things will occur involuntarily.
