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Need help with my writing homework on Summary of the article. Write a 500 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Summary of the article. Write a 500 word paper answering; Article Review The article “The Upside of being an Introvert (And why Extroverts are Overrated)” by Bryan Walsh discusses in his article, the debate between whether introverts or extroverts are successful on individual and collective levels. This is an issue that scientists and psychologists are still searching an answer for. In present times, when social engagement is more encouraged and participation is seen as a sign of confidence, it is seen that introverts tend to be at disadvantage because of their lack of participation in any social situation. The disadvantage of not mingling with the groups makes them fall short on new ideas or making new acquaintances. The trait which defines being an introvert is not total shyness but the areas overlap. Though on a superficial level, it is seen that introverts are at a disadvantage of not socializing much but it is seen that they make the best leaders and guiding individuals who are more prone to access risk and then take action accordingly. Extroverts and introverts both have their perks and downsides. while, one has the advantage of being talkative and energetic in crowds-thriving in social situations, the other ones make individuals that are good at listening, accessing risks and most importantly thinking thoroughly before they act on anything.

The thinking capability is what makes introverts good in the corporate and financial sectors. Extroverts on the other hand do not have these traits and are more likely to take bigger risks in life and suffer because of not weighing the pros and cons of the situation. The tendency to be an introvert or extrovert is almost inborn that is later influenced by the environment. It is exactly how gene expression is brought out by the environmental influences. Scientific studies relating the brain in infants not older than 4 month and including detailed examination of amygdalae and dopamine rushes, stated the fact that individuals who are highly reactive as infants are more likely to be introverts. On the other hand, the less reactive individuals are likely to turn into extroverts. The reaction is directly related to the threshold of stimulation an individual can take.

Environment plays a vital role in gene expression and how an individual functions later on in life. Most important personalities in the world fall on the grounds of both extrovert and introvert. President Obama for example is labeled as an introvert while President Bush and Clinton were labeled as extroverts. The temperaments define how an individuals reaction would be in any social situation. Most introverts tend to adapt to the situations early in life and then make their way through most complexities. There are identities that each person has to balance which includes biogenic identity, sociogenic identity and ideogenic identity. Balancing the three and setting up priorities helps both introverts and extrovert individuals to make their way through simple as well as complex social situations. The key to maintain it all on neutral grounds helps an individual to control temperament as well. The main idea is to not let the inborn tendencies get over the social persona of a person but help the individual make the most of what is at hand and achieve more.

Works Cited

Walsh, Bryan. The Upside of being an Introvert (And why Extroverts are Overrated). Time Magazine. 06 Feb.2012. Web. 29 Nov. 2014.