Article Writing Homework Help

Requirements Below is the link for the book! Please use chapter 1 for this assignment. Follow the steps below . Please send me any questions before starting its a huge assingment for me https://www.go


Below is the link for the book! Please use chapter 1 for this assignment.

Follow the steps below .

Please send me any questions before starting

its a huge assingment for me Relationship Management: The Foundation of Contemporary Marketing Strategy, 2nd Ed., by Roger J. Baran & Robert J. Galka&printsec=frontcover

1. Choose 1 chapter that we have already studied from the textbook that interests you.

2. Choose 1 article from a newspaper, journal, or other periodical (can be web-based as long as it is a newspaper, journal, or periodical – NOT a blog or opinion piece) that represents a concept(s) of that chapter (or portion of the chapter).

3. Choose 3 web sites that provide useful information about that concept(s) of that chapter.

4. Your research paper must be at least 3 but no more than 4 written, double-spaced pages. Your paper should use the Footnote Citation method for citing and documenting your secondary sources (instead of, for example APA or MLA Style). See Footnote Citations in the “Essentials for Students” Module.

5. Review the Grading Rubric for this research paper.

Use the following headings in your research paper (use a larger font, bolded font, or underlined font to designate headings):


  • include a first paragraph, 2-3 sentences, that introduces the topic of your research paper (be sure to include the chapter number from your textbook)
  • discuss in 1 paragraph why this topic interests you, why this topic is important to you, and why this topic should be important to the reader
  • describe the topic in 2-3 paragraphs, going beyond what the textbook says. Assume the reader knows nothing about the topic and needs to have a good understanding of your topic after reading the introduction. Include some information from some of your secondary sources here to provide an in-depth description of the topic. Your Introduction should be no longer than 1 page long.

Key Knowledge

  • This section should be the bulk of your paper – so 2-3 pages long. What have you learned about this topic through your research? Include your secondary sources. Do not simply list each secondary source and describe it in order (e.g., In XXXX, Smith indicated that . . . . In XXXX, Godsend described . . . . ” Rather, find commonalities and differences in your sources, organize your information, and integrate the secondary sources together (e.g., both Smith and Godsend agree that . . . . ” (This is a crucial critical thinking piece!)
  • Provide examples of this topic from your life experiences (professional and/or personal). You can provide this as a separate paragraph or integrate it into the information above.

Future Research

  • This section should be at least one paragraph long. Provide information here about gaps in the research or your knowledge concerning this subject.


Midterm Research Paper Grading RubricMidterm Research Paper Grading RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction2.0 to >0.0 ptsExcellentFirst paragraph is 2-3 sentences that introduces the topic and textbook chapter of research.0.0 ptsBelow AverageFirst paragraph is too short or only introduces the topic or the textbook chapter.2.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction3.0 to >2.0 ptsExcellent2nd paragraph discusses interest; why topic is important to you and others.2.0 to >1.0 ptsAverage2nd paragraph discusses only two of the following: interest, importance to self, importance to others.1.0 to >0.0 ptsBelow Average2nd paragraph discusses only one of the following: interest, importance to self, importance to others.0.0 ptsNo Marks2nd paragraph is incorrect or missing.0.0 ptsNo Marks3.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction10.0 to >8.0 ptsExcellentDescription of topic goes far beyond the textbook discussion. Topic is described so that reader fully understands the topic. As least three secondary sources are used to support the description of the topic. Contains 3-4 fully developed paragraphs.8.0 to >6.0 ptsAbove AverageDescription goes beyond the textbook discussion. Topic is described so that the reader would have a good understanding of the topic. At least two secondary sources was used to support the description of the topic. Contains 3-4 paragraphs that could be more fully developed.6.0 to >4.0 ptsAverageDescription of topic is mainly from the textbook. Reader might not fully understand the topic. Only one secondary source is used to support the description of the topic. Contains 2-3 paragraphs that are not fully developed.4.0 to >0.0 ptsBelow AverageDescription of topic does not even incorporate textbook or secondary source material. Reader would not understand the topic. Description is less than 2 paragraphs and/or paragraphs are not fully developed.0.0 ptsNo MarksParagraphs are incorrect or missing.10.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeKey Knowledge50.0 to >37.5 ptsExcellentWriting shows clear critical thinking and analysis. All secondary sources are used and synthesized throughout the section. Secondary sources are appropriate (add to the value of the research) and from valid periodicals/web sites. Provides excellent examples of life experiences that support the secondary sources.37.5 to >25.0 ptsAbove AverageWriting shows a good grasp of critical thinking and analysis. Secondary sources show some synthesis throughout the section. Secondary sources are mostly appropriate and are from valid periodicals/web sites. Provides good examples of life experiences, but experiences may not fully support discussion of secondary sources.25.0 to >12.5 ptsAverageWriting shows little evidence of critical thinking and analysis. Some secondary sources do not seem appropriate and/or are not from valid periodicals/web site. Life experiences do not support discussion.12.5 to >0.0 ptsBelow AverageEvident that little effort was put into critical thinking and analysis. Too few secondary sources and/or use of inappropriate sources or inappropriate periodicals/websites. Life experiences are not discussed.0.0 ptsNo MarksInternal citations are not used (plagiarism).50.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFuture Research5.0 to >3.0 ptsExcellentDemonstrated excellent critical thinking and analysis in identifying either gaps in the research or gaps in student understanding.3.0 to >0.0 ptsAverageProvided some questions, but questions show lack of critical thinking or real thought into what questions remain.0.0 ptsNo MarksIncorrect or missing.5.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProfessional writing – spelling, grammar, mechanics, and punctuation.20.0 to >17.0 ptsExcellentSpelling, grammar, mechanics, and punctuation are perfect.17.0 to >14.0 ptsAbove Average1-3 errors in spelling, grammar, mechanics, or punctuation.14.0 to >11.0 ptsAverage4-6 errors in spelling, grammar, mechanics, or punctuation.11.0 to >0.0 ptsBelow Average6-9 errors in spelling, grammar, mechanics, or punctuation.0.0 ptsNo MarksTen or more errors in spelling, grammar, mechanics, or punctuation. Instructor stops marking after 10 errors.20.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUses the Footnote Citation method for citing secondary sources.10.0 ptsExcellentAll secondary sources are cited correctly using the Footnote Citation method. A minimum of 4 sources used in the paper.7.0 ptsAbove AverageMissing one of the 4 required secondary sources.5.0 ptsAverageMore than one error in Footnote Citation method. Only 2 or fewer secondary sources used.0.0 ptsNo MarksMany errors in Footnote Citation Method, or only 1 or fewer secondary source used, OR, paper shows evidence of plagiarism. IF YOU FAIL TO CITE YOUR SECONDARY SOURCES, YOU WILL AUTOMATICALLY RECEIVE A ZERO (0) ON THIS ASSIGNMENT, as this is evidence that you are plagiarizing.10.0 ptsTotal Points: 100.0PreviousNext