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I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Provide a justification for qualitative research in organizations. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Provide a justification for qualitative research in organizations. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Therefore, qualitative researchers apply diverse methodologies and techniques in effort to understand and interpret particular elements in a particular area of focus. Some of the methods applied include primary and secondary methods of collecting information, such as interviews, questionnaires, observations, transcriptions, historical sources and recordings. Other methods including conducting experiments, taking field studies among other methods. The information collected undergoes a series of analysis to elucidate themes relevant to the objectives of the research. The wider the methods of collecting information, the greater the possibility of getting more reliable information about a particular phenomenon than using limited methods of obtaining data. This enhances our understanding of particular operations and process in various realms of study (Creswell, 1998:50). This paper provides an in depth justification for qualitative research in organizations. Qualitative research in perspective Currently, the application of qualitative research in organizations has witnessed an upsurge especially in accounting and management disciplines. Although stakeholders are increasingly promoting the importance and application of qualitative research in organizations, Ahrens and Dent (1998) noted that many professionals are not yet acquainted or are ignorant about the development. There are various reasons for this apathy towards qualitative research in organizations. Some of the reasons include lack of appropriate avenues for sensitising the public and business people about the significance of qualitative research to business and the society. In addition, qualitative researchers face challenges while working in a highly positivist academic research environment that is mainly sensitive to criticism and is increasingly inclined to maintenance of status quo. Other challenges that undermine adoption of qualitative research in organizations include lack of adequate expertise to train researchers up to advanced levels in the emerging research methodologies of enhancing better outcomes (Ahrens and Dent, 1998: 18). Moreover, Glesne (1999: 24) argues that qualitative researchers encounter other challenges especially while working at international level. These include difficulties in securing enough finances to meet their research and personal expenditure in addition to the cultural differences that hinder effective data collection from the firms. Various distinctive methodologies of qualitative research characterise the management of organization at different levels in the current global environment. They include the conventional historical research, ethnography, case studies, interviews, autobiographies and narratives, discourse analysis among others (Dey, 2002:38). These are some of the emerging qualitative methods in the current organizational management practices. In spite of the upcoming methods, qualitative research requires the application of different methodologies that would enhance collection of in-depth information about a particular phenomenon. Although there is no perfect combination of qualitative research methods, it is important to note that the existential objective reality about phenomena cannot be obtained, but gathering precise information about it is always the cornerstone of qualitative research.