Article Writing Homework Help

Write a 8 pages paper on whether diversity management is good for organizations, but damaging for the employees.

Write a 8 pages paper on whether diversity management is good for organizations, but damaging for the employees. The challenge must be dealt with practical solutions to the dynamic national demographic development towards diversity that has been a growing reality with an impact on organizations’ bottom-lines (Capowski, 1996).

The top management has a significant role in diversity management. Diversity management is illustrated as the attitude of an organization, the environment of an organization, and the diverse approaches individuals bring to a company due to race, techniques, and disabilities (Reichenberg, 2001).

Top management support is indispensable for a number of reasons. For constructive diversity outcomes, company’s starting and maintenance of diversity endeavours result in a change of the organizational environment, encouraging individual results, and encouraging approaches regarding diversity (Gilbert, Stead, & Ivancevich, 1999). For diversity programs to be successful, they require support and participation of a company’s executives, who should clearly affirm the significance of diversity as an organizational value and goal (Koonce, 2001). Without the dedication from top managers, diversity programs do not succeed (Koonce, 2001).

The phrase diversity management has turned out to be the buzzword for companies of all kinds and sizes. Organizations participate in diversity management as a guarantee that no group or individual is discriminated against (Amaram 2007). On the other hand, diversity management is not only a dimension of equal employment opportunity (EEO), nor is it just another expression for affirmative action (Von Bergen, Soper & Foster 2002). Diversity management entails managing social settings and structures, along with organizational environment and operations. It also includes identifying, being open to, and making use of individual differences (Von Bergen, Soper & Foster 2002). The aim is to build a positive work environment for all employees (Amaram 2007).

Organizations carry out diversity programs for a number of reasons. The first and foremost is the changing nature of the population in the world.&nbsp.