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Write a 9 pages paper on what is the well-lived life. The present paper aims to explore the basics of a well-lived life universally accepted by philosophers, writers and theorists at large. The real h

Write a 9 pages paper on what is the well-lived life. The present paper aims to explore the basics of a well-lived life universally accepted by philosophers, writers and theorists at large. The real happiness, and quality life, according to the moralists, is leading a life while abiding by statutes of prevailing laws as well as principles of moral values, and helping others, instead of seeking pleasure by hurting and harming the fellow humans or others creatures in one way or the other. Before embarking upon the topic under examination, it would be advisable to elucidate the general opinion about a well-lived life in the eyes of the masses at large.

It has aptly been observed that the individuals maintain a variety of opinions while talking about a well-lived life. Some people declare plenty of money necessary for leading a well-lived life, while others regard fame and sound reputation as the sign of a successful life. Similarly, convalescence from some fatal disease is a peaceful life for a patient suffering from ailing, while a person deprived of love and affection submits winning he love of his/her choice as the source of peace of mind as well as the most essential element of glowing life. However, eyes and sight for the blind, removal of disability for the disabled, released from imprisonment for a prisoner, and acquittal from heavy loans for the bankrupt are symbols of a delightful and jubilant life respectively. Moreover, spending all moments with the soul-mate, having so many toys and candies, and a splendid career and family life are also the dream of a gorgeous life in the eyes of an imaginative young girl, little innocent children and a determined young adult respectively. Furthermore, obtaining bread on time is a source of joy for beggars and paupers, while setting free from the shackles of humiliation and slavery are the dreams of the nations leading the life of slavery and foreign exploitation at large.&nbsp.