Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on multiculturalism in my beautiful laundrette Paper must be at least 3750 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on multiculturalism in my beautiful laundrette Paper must be at least 3750 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Unfortunately, the form of cinema that existed at the time known as the heritage cinema did very little to bring public attention to some of these British policies, which in reality did not have the support of many, people. British and non-British alike. But My Beautiful Laundrette set itself apart as a movie that would address some of these core issues that had received unfavorable silence from the cinemas (Monk, 2000). Through the movie, there was a clear “articulation of the gap between the middle class and the underclass, and the presentation of gender and sexuality in contemporary 1980s Britain” (Steele, 2000). The following sections of the paper shall, therefore, be dedicated to analyzing various ways in which My Beautiful Laundrette as a movie played a key social role of tackling British policies just before Thatcher and in the time of Thatcher through the use of motif and forms such as theme, characterization, camera technique among others.

John Enoch Powell could be said to be a key figure in the portrait of British policies in the 1980s through most of his words and deeds. Enoch Powell is for instance famously known for what became known as the “Rivers of Blood” speech where he publicly criticized Commonwealth immigration and anti-discrimination legislation, which was seen by many as racist. Interestingly, the movie portrays some of these characteristics that were not just embedded in the nature and personality of people like Enoch Powell but in British politics as a whole. Some of these key themes that were seen both on the ground of practice and in My Beautiful Laundrette are discussed below (Hedling, 1995).

Immigration has been said by many to be the starting point to any successful and well-meaning form of multiculturalism that takes place (Blaney, 1986). This is because favorable immigration policies open the doors for people of different cultural and ethnic backgrounds to freely enter and leave a particular country in a legal way. In the Thatcher era of British&nbsp.politics, there was much pressure on Britain as a member and perhaps the leader of the Commonwealth to adhere its self to such favorable immigration policies through the Commonwealth Immigration Legislation. But in the likeness of a manner that Enoch Powell publicly announces his displeasure for the immigration legislation. the movie is used to bring out the true meaning essence of immigration in the days (BBC News, 2005). Through the movie, it is seen that the love for people and love for multiculturalism is not merely the true reason why several countries would embrace immigration legislations.&nbsp.