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Need help with my writing homework on Why Dont We Listen Better by Petersen. Write a 1250 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Why Dont We Listen Better by Petersen. Write a 1250 word paper answering; The book of J. C. Petersen contains information, concerning the problems, which people face in their everyday life. It is a guide for those, who want to understand others better and fix out the relationships with close people. The aim of this work is to analyze the book of J. C. Peterson, taking his advice and experience as an example for personal consideration, comparing and developing. The paper consists of 4 basic parts and contains the experience of the practical application of methods, described by J. C. Peterson.

This part of the essay represents the summary of the book “Why don’t we listen better? Communicating and connecting in relationships” written by Petersen, J. C. The book represents the ideas and methods of how to become a good listener. The author divided the content of the book into five main parts. At the beginning of the book, Peterson describes the importance of communication in the life of a person, how communication is influenced by human emotions, the differentiation of the surrounding people and their aims and so forth. He divides communication into three main areas, associating it with different parts of the body, particularly, stomach, heart and head. Each of them characterizes a different stage of communication. The stomach is the representation of the emotions and feelings of the individual, heart – arising possibilities, head – the logical process of thinking. Peterson pays special attention to the roles, which people play in the process of communication. Sometimes people are too concentrated on their own ideas, which causes trouble for the process of talking. The author explains how the misconception in the process of discussion can influence people’s relations.

Petersen, as the example, uses a card method, which makes the talker and the listener take turns in their conversation, training the abilities of both sides to listen and respond in a reserved manner. The author also concentrates on the process of thinking while communication and interaction of the individuals. He describes the skills, which are necessary for the use of TLC. The author corrects some typical mistakes, which usually arise in conversations and make another side of the discussion confused.