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Need an research paper on the change of polynesian islands. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on the change of polynesian islands. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism. In Polynesia Islands, the inhabitants held in their tradition and customary beliefs, which according to them were sacred and involved principles of the olden days. Polynesians lived as a family, as their community was a centred type. Community centred refers to a community where people live as one exhibiting cordial relations. The reason for referring Polynesians as people of a self-centred culture is that they aimed at ensuring the survival of all people living in these islands (specifically, all Polynesians) (Craig 6). Moreover, the best way of surviving was through proper utilization of the available resources. Proper allocation of the resources necessitated a good stay. Living by strictly observing the cultural norms was very crucial especially in various distinct places within the Polynesian islands, as it helped them be strong.

Polynesians had very little knowledge regarding modern ways of living. This denotes the reason why they only believed in the tradition of Polynesia. According to Polynesia French Country Study Guide (53), Polynesians lived differently according to how they would adapt to the conditions of an island. Polynesia Islands’ navigators made use of the oral traditions to spot routing ways. Moving from one island to another was by water machinery available and personally made by Polynesians. Polynesian navigators had unique ways of locating the direction of where they need to sail. Primarily, locating sites was through the recollection of essential information including moving of particular stars, knowledge about the horizon, the weather (which depicted the best time to travel, by having a concern about the change in clouds) (Lockard 92). To ensure security during their travel, navigators never revealed how they managed to sail from one region to another.

Imperialist are people who enact force when invading a region of their interest. They believe that ability to manage the inhabitants of a region is by changing the constitution of the region.