Article Writing Homework Help

INSTRUCTIONS: The deliverable on this assignment is a paper of no fewer than 1800 words and no more than 2200 words You are expected to write your paper using formal rules of grammar, spelling and sty

INSTRUCTIONS: The deliverable on this assignment is a paper of no fewer than 1800 words and no more than 2200 words

You are expected to write your paper using formal rules of grammar, spelling and style. In your paper, I want you to take this position on the question posed below and provide cogent arguments in favor of your side. As in any other formal debate, I am asking you to be all-in on one side or another. I don’t care whether you choose the “pro” or “con”, but don’t waffle. While you may genuinely feel that the answer is not black or white and that there are reasonable “on this hand but on the other hand” arguments, save those for another day. Your job is to provide the strongest argument for your chosen side. Having said that, this doesn’t mean you get to make up data or “alternative truths”. The quality of your submission will be based on how well you make your point, not how vigorously you shout it out. If you use someone’s work or use data, cite it as a footnote or endnote. I encourage you to not just extemporize. Get some citations. I would encourage you to use “popular press” (blogs, news or magazine articles) to highlight public impressions or ideas, but try to find a more serious, scholarly paper to provide more substantive weight to your argument.

Question: Are you in favor of public policies to minimize or avoid programs that use government subsidies, penalties or restrictions to interfere with or shape natural economic incentives to produce, consume, or trade dairy foods?

Info Dairy Trade and Food Security Proposition: Public Policy should ensure free trade both at home and abroad. In other words, a system that neither subsidized nor penalizes either production or consumption will ultimately serve societies’ interest the best. This does not mean that we shouldn’t have regulations pertaining to food safety, worker safety, environmental abuses, and the like. Background: 1. Most developed countries have productive agricultures that are, to one degree or another, economically supported by government programs. Farmers get higher prices or income supplements through some kind of government intervention. 2. Most developed countries have some kind of food subsidy programs to assist low income consumers buy more food or have access to more food than they would otherwise be able to achieve. They also typically have food assistance programs to donate or subsidize the sale of food to low income countries. This is above and beyond food assistance in response to natural or man-made disasters. 3. The dairy sector seems to attract more direct support for production as well as consumption, with the former being more dominant in high income countries and the latter more dominant in low income countries. 4. Many developing or low income countries argue that the policies of developed countries stifle the growth and development of agriculture in low income countries by the combination of subsidizing production at home and exports abroad. They argue that they, the low-income countries, could do a better job of feeding themselves if developed countries didn’t have the double whammy of production and export subsidies. They further note that they lack the financial resource to compete with taxpayer-funded programs in rich countries. 5. Proponents of developed country policies argue that support for farmers is an internal matter and that developing countries should be pleased that they can get food more cheaply through subsidized exports and donations. 6. Another line of reasoning is that every country should have its own ability to produce food as a matter of national security. For countries that are blessed with a natural food production capability, this is easy, but for countries not so blessed, national food security is a reason to subsidize national food production and tax imports. 7. The opposing argument is that by building a web of economic interconnectedness based on the principle of comparative advantage, we ensure that it is in everyone’s self-interest to play nice, that this connectedness has the effect of decreasing risk and increasing food security.

Must Cite all sources and works cited in MLA APA format