Article Writing Homework Help

Provide a 2 pages analysis while answering the following question: / final paper. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 2 pages analysis while answering the following question: / final paper. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Case study Problem One of applicable theories that Randy and Glenda may rely on is the Behavioral theory of labor negotiations. The theory providesfor a deliberative approach to conflict resolution through negotiation instead of an authoritative decision from the management. Fundamental to the theory are the resolution approaches that include distributive bargaining, integrative bargaining, attitudinal structuring, and interorganizational bargaining. The distributive approach identifies a win lose decision that develops from a discursive forum and therefore justifies the final decision. Integrative approach however involves parties to a conflict in developing solution to a problem rather than seeking a decision while attitudinal structuring is a social based approach that aims at changing people’s behaviors in a set up and intraoganizational bargaining defines extensive discussion within an organizational framework. Either aspect of the theory therefore undermines summery dismissal without a defense opportunity. Another applicable theory to both parties is the contract theory that provides for legality of relationships based on terms and actions rather than intentions of parties to an agreement. It therefore has a legal basis for protecting parties interests (Miller and Jents 497. Denisi and Griffin 330). Initial jurisdiction of the case rests with the industrial court.

The contract theory will prevail over the Behavioral theory of labor negotiations because of its foundations from common law that is a recognized source of law while the Behavioral theory of labor negotiations is a secondary approach to the judicial system.

Problem 2

I would advise Fred that his action has legal consequences and recommend a favorable resolution outside court before Wilma seeks a legal address. His reference to payback and the mode of expression that communicated intense anger together with slamming of the door identifies apprehension to danger, amounting to tort of assault. A resolution outside the legal framework may therefore reduce or mitigate the possible consequences of Fred’s action if Wilma agrees to forgive him (Miller and Jentz 87).

Problem 4

Part 1: Questions for the research committee

We are interested in recruiting Mr./Mrs. X (Name of applicant) for an important position in our organization, he/she has named you as a referee and we would wish gain the following information from you.

1. What is your opinion about the applicant’s level of accountability and morality?

2. Has the participant been implicated in a legal compromise, prosecuted or not, in the course of duty?

3. Do you believe that the applicant can work under pressure and manage the pressure for positivity?

4. What is the applicant’s analytical potentials?

5. Is the applicant a good leader?

Part 2: Advice to the search committee

The additional information on the applicant’s alcoholism does not change the proposed plan because the condition can be managed by a strong organizational culture. The search committee should be keen on identifying the participant’s level of reliance on alcohol, effects of her alcoholism on her output, and possible measures to managing her alcoholism for optimum productivity. The committee should however not express skepticism over her alcoholic state (Denisi and Griffin 18-24, 109, 110).

Problem 5

Lack of adequate a conflict resolution policy and conflict resolution strategies are some of the problems that are identifiable in the case. Failure to resolve the conflict between Mann and Woeman and reconcile the parties identifies the organization’s inefficiency in policy development and establishment of strategies for implementing policies. Woeman also failed to resolve the issue with Mann before seeking alternative avenues. I therefore recommend development of a conflict resolution policy that the organization should communicate to its employees and awareness of conflict resolution strategies among the employees (Sharma 116, 117).

Works cited

Denisi, Angelo, and Griffin, Ricky. HR. Mason, OH: Cengage South-Western, 2011. Print.

Miller, Roger, and Jents, Gaylord. Fundamentals of business law: Excerpted cases. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning, 2009. Print.

Sharma, S. Handbook of HRM practices: Management policies and practices. New Delhi: Global India Publications, 2009. Print.