Article Writing Homework Help

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Social Taboo of the Sexual Variation. For reasons that do not relate to economics or politics, societies (both ancient and modern) failed to find and maintain a

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Social Taboo of the Sexual Variation. For reasons that do not relate to economics or politics, societies (both ancient and modern) failed to find and maintain a reasonable balance between normative and sexual behaviors and thus considered it necessary and easier to eradicate homosexuality without a trace. Today, despite the recent cultural advancements and the growing role of sexual diversity and tolerance, homosexuality is still associated with a form of cultural variation. In light of the historical and cultural developments, it would be fair to say that homosexuality was and remains an essential component and a form of sexual and cultural variation, which is believed to threaten the stability of the social and moral gendered order in different societies.

Although the meaning of cultural and sexual variations changes as a result of other cultural and social changes in societies, homosexuality looks like a phenomenon that can boast having remarkably stable negative connotations in different societies and at different times. Since the earliest times of human cultural development, homosexuality used to be the topic of hot public debate and a phenomenon that rarely hit into the basic system of cultural and social traditions across different societies. Regardless of whether one speaks about Iranians, Egyptians, or Hebrews – homosexuality was almost always believed to be an increasingly negative phenomenon which, despite continuous repressions and continuous public condemnation, continued to exist as an essential element of any society. Although Davies (1982) writes that homosexuality as a cultural and sexual variation has nothing to do with the changeable economic and political conditions in society, the development of the cultural connotations of homosexuality, especially male homosexuality, was linked to the major economic shifts in ancient societies.