Article Writing Homework Help

Develop a Marketing Plan for a New Business/Service. This project will start you thinking about Marketing in a practical sense. You will gain experience formulating a plan, learning how each part is d

Develop a Marketing Plan for a New Business/Service.

This project will start you thinking about Marketing in a practical sense. You will gain experience formulating a plan, learning how each part is dependent on one another. You will gain some introspection and perhaps direction for the future. In fact you may want to build on this exercise throughout your life in preparation for earning a job after graduation.

Develop the following elements of the Marketing planning process:

  • A mission statement
  • A SWOT analysis
  • Objectives
  • A description of the target market
  • A positioning strategy
  • A brief outline of the Marketing mix strategies:
    • The product
    • Pricing
    • Distribution and
    • Promotion strategies that satisfy the objectives and address the target market.
    • Implementation

Contents must include:

  • Title page
  • Executive Summary One page only
  • Introduction to project Literature review (citations included)
  • Conclusions and recommendations
  • References (7-8) APA format Use of higher level reference materials is required, e.g. ProQuest (WSJ,Bloomberg)