Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on The Nature of Christ Among Many Theologians and Religious. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on The Nature of Christ Among Many Theologians and Religious. It needs to be at least 1500 words. However, in the midst of this quagmire, Christians should not divorce their eyes and wisdom from the book of Ephesians 4: 21, “we should not depend not only our understanding of the work of Christ but also our understanding of the way of life expected from each of us as we seek the truth that is in Jesus”1. As a result, this research adopts a relatively divergent path from the two positions and postulates that the nature of Christ is both manifested by fallen and un-fallen nature of Adam. The un-fallen nature of Adam is characterized by sinless and un-separateness from God, which Christ has. On the other hand, the fallen nature of Adam is characterized by physical strength, mental power, and moral worth, which again Christ can be associated with2.

The bible describes the man God created and placed in the land of Eden as one created in God’s image. This man was Adam and as an image and spiritual creature of God, Adam possessed the image of God, which made him remain connected to God. Adam’s original state was one of a sinless man who had favor from God. The sinless nature of this man was manifested through his purity and holiness, which made him have an assured connection with God and at the same time, beloved by God3. Adam, in this state, was perfect and righteous. Adam in his original state is given noble powers by God as the head of the earthly family who was to represent God and rule over other creatures. In this sense, the original Adam had God’s gift of a well-balanced mind, he was perfect in his being and constantly in harmony with God. At the same time, his thoughts were largely pure and his aims had an element of holiness

The sinless nature of the original Adam is what God had wished man to live. The image of God (Adam) was to remain pure, was to remain perfect, and exhibit no propensity to sin. The sinless state was to put Adam in constant and unlimited communication with God in a special and privileged way as compared to other creatures. In other words, the sinless man was to remain representative of God’s glory and heritage.