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Hi, need to submit a 1000 words paper on the topic Review: Badlands. In spite of the project title, the author argues that his book does not account for the most dangerous places on earth given that h

Hi, need to submit a 1000 words paper on the topic Review: Badlands. In spite of the project title, the author argues that his book does not account for the most dangerous places on earth given that he gives his account of places is carefully and cautiously given and his tolerance of pain is low. Therefore, his work is should not be confused by other projects that are dangerous.1 Wheeler acknowledges that the axis of Evils is not used to refer to all destinations on earth. He began his project by touring nine countries that included Afghanistan, Albania, Myanmar, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and South Korea. The reasons for touring the countries were different. Some of the countries could act as tourist destinations with the exception of Burma and Cuba. Wheeler argues that the inclusion of all these countries in the project map serves to make the book interesting.2 Wheeler measures his experiences and what he comes across using his own evil meter. Measurement includes assessment of the treatment a country accords to its citizens, the involvement of a nation in terrorist activities the dangers or benefits a country offers its neighbours. Although he has not visited the most evil country in the globe using his meter, he had his office in one of the countries he toured in his project. The meter is not the best as it might be used to portray insignificant differences while overlooking things that do not register fictitious development. Consequently, he labels North Korea as Gulag that is run by Monty Python. However, Wheeler’s book is much more than the presented evil meter.3 Earlier, Wheeler had visited some countries such as Iran and Afghanistan that are more interesting in his commentary today in his book. Although the book seems good, some insightful, comical and superficial remarks abound about the book. It has been criticised by some authors as having been poorly edited. Some comments of the book are brief and tangential (not providing the required rewards after reading), and therefore fault finding. Moreover, some of the sections are written in a conversation-like manner that may detract some readers. Although some critics refer to Wheeler as being too serious with time or not being too serious, the subtitles given to the work are well placed since he did not attempt to investigate journalism. Despite the criticisms, Wheeler defends his work by arguing that it written well, original and therefore, it is worth reading by any reader whether the reader would like to visit the destinations as a tourist or whether the reader agrees with the political view of Wheeler.4 Site Destinations Wheeler travelled to many countries. However, countries included in the book are Afghanistan, Albania, Myanmar, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and South Korea. The project began by touring Asian countries including Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq. Other trips in other countries too took place. As he states, Wheeler did not consider all countries as bad since some were still acting as tourist destinations except Cuba and Myanmar. The site map for the travel destinations is given in the geographical map below. From the map, it is evident that Wheeler travelled from one destination to another and providing experiences of the destination in the book. It is true that some of the countries that Wheeler terms as evil are not safe based on governance records.