Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on A Beautiful and Powerful Story by Ann DeWitt: Enigma and Symbolism. It needs to be at least 500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on A Beautiful and Powerful Story by Ann DeWitt: Enigma and Symbolism. It needs to be at least 500 words. your Influence Introduction The short story by Ann DeWitt is an enigmatic exposition of the artistic world that leaves one baffling at the first reading. However, it has the power of drawing one to a second and subsequent reading for the sheer beauty of its brevity, short paragraphs and pithy statements. Ann conveys her view that a female has significant influence not just on an artist’s work but on male members of the society and uses enigma as the main element through out the setting, theme and dialogues.

Enigma of the setting

The couple who are at the Oceanside inn are travelers and chance to notice the apparently abandoned and desolate compound that was being used as a training center for attack dogs. The story is set in an unspecified island and the significance of the dog training center to the story is minimal except that a puppy is brought into the picture in the later conversations. The inn itself is a studio cum home for the owner, an artist influenced by the French master Matisse’s work. This influence is conveyed subtly through the interior décor that reminds one of a woman’s womb and other symbols of female organs. The connection between the interior décor of the studio and the dog training center as seen from inside the inn is as enigmatic as the relationship between a man and a woman, as can be seen shortly.

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Enigma of the dialogues

“Origin of the world” (para.10) is how the artistic shape given to the copper wire covering to the naked bulb on the table lamp described by the female companion of the couple. There was no discussion preceding this statement except that they were looking at the lamp from all angles trying to unravel the mystery of its shape. Again the statement, “Old enough” (para.13) is full of mischievous meaning that recurs at the end of the story (para.28) to inform the readers of casual encounters between strangers and travelers. “Beware.” (para.20) is the direct but still enigmatic reference to the growing interest between the inn owner and the male traveler.

The casual relationship between strangers and the associated risk of AIDS is brought out in a passing reference to another recalled dialogue that says, “Protect ya tings” (para.17).

Enigma of symbolism

Sign boards, interior décor, dogs that attack are the symbols that are enigmatically used to create awareness of the risks of casual physical relationships. Just as careless approach to the dog center can expose one to serious risks, so does a casual physical relationship. Both are to be approached with caution and precaution. The influence of the beautiful female form either on artists or others is universal but comes with associated risks, says the author.


Ann DeWitt scripts a beautiful and powerful story full of enigma, symbolism and pithy sentences to drive home the influence of female form on the society and the risks of AIDS in casual and unprotected approach to male/female relationships. The setting consisting of the

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island, the dog training center and the inn with its artist-owner provides the perfect background to convey a contemporary message in a creative way.

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Ann D., “Influence”.