Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on why is racial and gender diversity important in motivating employees Paper must be at least 250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on why is racial and gender diversity important in motivating employees Paper must be at least 250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Why is racial and gender diversity important in motivating employees? Tackling race and gender issues are crucial for the successful growth of any company. Racial and gender biases can hamper the growth of companies as creating a congenial environment for the employees has become extremely important in this modern age. Employers who are understanding and are making an effort to care for their employees will favor diverse employment and seek to incorporate the combined efforts of all people irrespective of their race or gender. Showing prejudice to a particular race or gender will only create animosity among the staff members and this in turn could affect the company’s growth and development.

How does Best Buy’s trip to Memphis encourage racial diversity among managers and employees?

The trip to Memphis was mainly aimed to educate its managers about the importance and need for diversity in a company atmosphere. Through the immersion programme the company sent out the message that it was open to inclusion and that all the mangers should take back this message and share it with their employees. The company also believes that such training in diversity would encourage the employees to be themselves thus alleviating the need to change and adjust according to the company scenario. In a racial and gender biased setting employees are at times forced to change their nature and attitude in order to please their employers. However, such changes could have an impact on their performance and in turn the growth of the company. Hence Best Buy’s decision to promote racial and gender diversity in workplace should be hailed as a futuristic move.

Why does a diverse workforce help increase the bottom line in a retail company such as Best Buy?

In an effort to increase the female workforce of the company Best Buy began its Women’s Leadership Forum through which the company increased its number of female general, sales and district managers. This was mainly aimed to improve the female customer base and at the same time provide equal employment for women. The end result to this move was an increase in female customer revenue within a period of four years. Most importantly such decisions have created a more homely atmosphere at workplace while at the same time increasing the revenue and growth of the company. Thus by promoting such employee values the company has scaled in its growth over the years which in fact constitute the company’s bottom line.