Article Writing Homework Help

I need some assistance with these assignment. lack of communication on relationships Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. lack of communication on relationships Thank you in advance for the help! Causes and Effects of Lack of Communication in a Relationship My Co Worker. Roll No Introduction Whatever the relationship, communication plays a key role in building an understanding between two entities. Whenever it breaks down, problems or conflicts occur. In the following lines two examples are presented which illustrate the causes and effects of lack of communication.

Examples of causes and effects of lack of communication

Recently, I worked at a mini mart, taking care of their product department. My manager was a really capable and hard working person and got my respect from day one. However, because of this respect and my shyness, I used to try hard to go beyond my capabilities in taking care of my department. However, this practice leads me to exhaustion and I slowly started to dislike the place. It could have been over easily, however, lack of communication on my behalf led me to a point where I considered quitting that job.

Also, once while working there, I started noticing that my manager had started being a bit rude and strict to me. And although, he didn’t use to say much, it led to start of a rumor that I was going to be fired. That not only made me uneasy emotionally, but also affected my motivation at work. However, sometime later it became clear that his behavior was due to his personal problem and not due to my work.


Lack of communication often leads to a conflict or in other cases worsening of a conflicting situation (Conflict Research Consortium). It is important to communicate in order to prevent conflict and maintain a clean and clear environment all around.


Conflict Research Consortium. General Information about Communication Problems. 1998. Web Page. 5 March 2013. .