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The (2) questions need to be answered in APA format using Word document Jersey Guys’ Disc Jockeys Make Racist Anti-Asian Statements on Air Two disc jockeys (DJ) of New Jersey radio station NJ 101.5,

The (2) questions need to be answered in APA format using Word document

Jersey Guys’ Disc Jockeys Make Racist Anti-Asian Statements on Air Two disc jockeys (DJ) of New Jersey radio station NJ 101.5, Craig Carton and Ray Rossi, astounded and offended many listeners by making racist remarks about a Korean American mayoral candidate. The discussion began with negative comments about Jun Choi, who was running for mayor of Edison, New Jersey. Car-ton asked, “Would you really vote for someone named Jun Choi?” One DJ noted that concern about the Asian vote from both Choi and his opponent in the election, Jim Spadoro, was “part of a larger problem forgetting they we’re Americans.” The on-air show deteriorated from there, with derogatory comments about Chinese, Asians, Indians, and references to the DJs’ previous negative comments about Arabs. Carton and Rossi complained that there were too many Asians in New Jersey casinos, suggesting that there should be “Asian-only” rooms there because of Asians’ lack of knowledge of the games and their “little beady pocketbooks” stuffed with wads of $100 bills. “Ching chong, ching chong, ching chong” was interspersed with laughter and comments that the DJs had “nothing against them [Asians],” who were ”very good people very nice people. “50 Many people were outraged by the racist comments, and complaints poured in to the radio station, which was reportedly caught off guard by the volume of complaints. Both the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the Anti-Defamation League (historically associated with African American and Jewish people, respectively) joined Asian groups in expressing outrage at the broadcast. Hyundai Motors America indefinitely suspended its advertisements from the station. Cingular Wireless withdrew advertising from the Jersey Guys’ afternoon programming spots. In commenting on the vocal response from the Asian American community, Veronica Jung, executive director of the Korean American League for Civic Action, stated that, “We will no longer be the voiceless model minority. We represent significant buying power and a large consumer base, and we’ll use that weight.” The radio station refused to comment on the amount lost in advertising revenues. Choi won the election. 

Questions to Consider

1. Aside from apologies, what specific responses are appropriate from organizations when actions such as those of the Jersey Guys take place? 

2. Explain how Cox and Blake’s ideas about valuing diversity are relevant to this issue.

 Asians are making headway into senior management and executive ranks, although the movement is slow and erratic. Asians hold less than 0.5% of senior management positions in the United States, and just 1.9% of corporate officer positions in Fortune 100 companies. 52 On the other hand, in the past ten years, the number of Asian CEOs among the 669 companies represented in the Fortune 500 and S&P 500 has grown from 10 to 23 (3.4%). 53 Asians are often perceived as technically astute and good at math, which are “positive” stereotypes but likely also to contribute to their underrepresentation in higher-level positions in organizations. Asians may also be stereotyped as passive, non-confrontational, and lacking in communication and language skills regardless of whether they are native English speakers or speak English very well. These common misperceptions can prevent Asians from advancing in organizations and often confine them to positions in which little communication, leadership, and decision-making are required. Such positions often have few advancement opportunities, creating a glass ceiling for Asians. 54 For example, although Asians are overrepresented in technical fields, they are less likely than other minority group members to be in management in these fields. 55 Researchers have investigated the roles stereotypes about Asians’ leadership skills and lack of social skills play in their under-representation