Category: Economics

  • Economics homework help

     You are a Marketing Director for a beverage company, and the Executive Staff has asked you to analyze the market and submit presentation that includes the following: Consumer demand for the Product Factors that are important to the consumers Analysis of the consumer’s motivation, adaptability, preferences, etc. Decision making with regard to branding Future trends…

  • Economics homework help

    Demand function specifies other factors that management will often consider, including the design and packaging of products, the amount and distribution of the firm’s advertising budget, the size of the sales force, promotional expenditures, the time period of adjustment for any price changes, and taxes or subsidies. For this discussion forum, consider your favorite consumer…

  • >Economics homework help

    Benjamin Franklin reportedly said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” In other words, taxes will always be with us. When we think of taxes, we often focus on the largest one, the federal personal income tax. But we also pay other taxes. Some are federal, and some…

  • Economics homework help

    Many consumers use checking accounts and credit, often in the form of credit cards. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of having a checking account? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of having a credit card? What are some strategies you could use to manage credit cards to avoid paying high-interest…

  • Economics homework help

    When a company advertises on the​ Internet, the company pays the operators of search engines each time an ad for the company appears with search results and someone clicks on the link. Click fraud is when a computer program pretending to be a customer clicks on the link. An analysis of 1,200 clicks coming into…

  • Economics homework help

    When a company advertises on the​ Internet, the company pays the operators of search engines each time an ad for the company appears with search results and someone clicks on the link. Click fraud is when a computer program pretending to be a customer clicks on the link. An analysis of 1,200 clicks coming into…

  • Economics homework help

    When a company advertises on the​ Internet, the company pays the operators of search engines each time an ad for the company appears with search results and someone clicks on the link. Click fraud is when a computer program pretending to be a customer clicks on the link. An analysis of 1,200 clicks coming into…

  • >Economics homework help

     For the term paper, you are required to pick a current economic topic that relates to the material we have covered or will cover in this course. You will research and find an article that covers the topic you have chosen. You can use an article online or offline from any reputable source. You will…

  • >Economics homework help

     For the term paper, you are required to pick a current economic topic that relates to the material we have covered or will cover in this course. You will research and find an article that covers the topic you have chosen. You can use an article online or offline from any reputable source. You will…

  • Economics homework help

    For this project, you will be working in CLC groups of three or four students. Each student will individually research a company and analyze one of the Items for Analysis listed below. Each team member must select the same item so you can compare your companies. Refer to the Collaborative Learning Community Project Overview in the Course…